Figure 1. Audio Formatter Tab
- Component Name
- The component name is used as the base name of output files generated for the module. Names must begin with a letter and must be composed from characters: a to z, 0 to 9 and “_”.
- Read Interface Options
- Enable Audio Read Interface
- Enables the MM2S part of the core when selected. All the other Read Interface Options are valid only when this is enabled.
- Max Audio Channels
- Specifies the maximum number of Audio channels the core can support in MM2S mode. Can be configured as 2, 4, 6 or 8.
- Memory Packaging Mode
- Specifies the Interleaved or Non-Interleaved mode packaging of data in memory.
- Memory Data Format
- Configured from a choice of AES and PCM data in memory and audio channels:
- AES To AES: AES Data in Memory and read as AES data on Stream
- AES To PCM: AES Data available in Memory and reads only PCM data on stream
- PCM To PCM: PCM Data available in memory is read on Stream as well
- PCM To AES (Default): PCM Data in memory is AES encoded and read on Stream
- Address Width
- Address width of AXI4 Memory mapped MM2S interface.
- Asynchronous Clocks
- When checked, means the
are asynchronous and all the Clock Domain Crossing of signals within the IP is taken care. When unchecked, the core assumes both clocks to be synchronous, and does not add synchronizers.
- Write Interface Options
- Enable Audio Write Interface
- Enables the S2MM part of the core when selected. All the other Write Interface Options are valid only when this is enabled.
- Max Audio Channels
- Specifies the maximum number of Audio channels the core can support in S2MM mode. Can be configured as 2, 4, 6 or 8.
- Memory Packaging Mode
- Specifies the Interleaved or Non-Interleaved mode packaging of data in memory.
- Memory Data Format
- Configured from a choice of AES and PCM data in memory and audio channels:
- AES To AES: AES Data on stream and the same is written to memory
- AES To PCM(Default): AES Data on stream is decoded and PCM data is written to memory
- PCM To PCM: PCM Data on stream is written to memory directly.
- Address Width
- Address width of AXI4 Memory mapped S2MM interface.
- Asynchronous Clocks
- When checked, this means
are asynchronous, and all the Clock Domain Crossing of signals within the IP is taken care of. When unchecked, the core assumes both clocks to be synchronous, and does not add synchronizers.Note: The IP requires more resources when using Asynchronous clock mode compared to synchronous clock mode.