Core Configuration Register (0x04) - 1.0 English

Audio Formatter LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG330)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English
Bit Default Value Access Type Description
31 0x1 RO S2MM_Included
  • 0: S2MM not part of IP
  • 1: S2MM is included
30:29 0x1 RO S2MM_Dataformat
  • 0: AES -> AES
  • 1: AES -> PCM
  • 2: PCM -> PCM
28 0x0 RO S2MM_packaging_mode
  • 0: Interleaved
  • 1: Non-interleaved
27:24 0x2 RO Max_channels_S2MM: Indicates the maximum number of channels supported for S2MM.
23:16 0x0 RO Reserved
15 0x1 RO MM2S_Included
  • 0: MM2S not part of IP
  • 1: MM2S is included
14 0x3 RO MM2S_Dataformat
  • 0: AES -> AES
  • 1: AES -> PCM
  • 2: PCM -> PCM
  • 3: PCM -> AES
12 0x0 RO MM2S_packaging_mode
  • 0: Interleaved
  • 1: Non-interleaved
11:8 0x2 RO Max_channels_MM2S: Indicates the maximum number of channels supported for MM2S.
7:0 0x0 RO Reserved