UHD-SDI Audio (Embed) Register Space - 2.0 English

UHD SDI Audio LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG309)

Document ID
Release Date
2.0 English
The following table specifies the offset address, register name, and accessibility of each firmware addressable registers within the UHD-SDI Audio (Embed). User access to each register is from an offset to the base address.
Note: AES Channel Status Registers (0x48 to 0x5C) are only valid when GUI option Extract AES Channel Status is enabled.
Note: SDI Audio Status Registers (0x40, 0x60, 0x70, and 0x80) are only valid when GUI option Extract SDI Audio Status is enabled.
Table 1. Register Address Space - UHD-SDI Audio (Embed)
Offset Name Description
0x00 Module Control Register to enable the embedding of audio on to SDI stream.
0x04 Soft Reset Register Register to issue soft reset to the core.
0x08 Core Version Register Status register conveying the core version
0x0C Interrupt Enable Register Register to enable different interrupts
0x10 Interrupt Status Register Status register conveying the status of different interrupts
0x14 Video Control Register Register to indicate video properties
0x18 Audio Control Register Register to indicate audio properties
0x20 Channel Valid Register Register to indicate valid channels
0x30 Channel Mute Register Register to indicate mute channels
0x40 Active Group Status Register Status register conveying the audio groups that are detected on the incoming SDI stream
0x48 Channel Status Register 1 Status register conveying the bits [31:0] of AES channel status
0x4C Channel Status Register 2 Status register conveying the bits [63:32] of AES channel status
0x50 Channel Status Register 3 Status register conveying the bits [95:64] of AES channel status
0x54 Channel Status Register 4 Status register conveying the bits [127:96] of AES channel status
0x58 Channel Status Register 5

Status register conveying the bits [159:128] of AES channel status

0x5C Channel Status Register 6 Status register conveying the bits [191:160] of AES channel status
0x60 Active Channel Status Register Status register conveying the active channel information decoded from audio control packet
0x70 Sample Rate Status Register Status register conveying the sample rate information decoded from audio control packet
0x80 Asynchronous Channel Pair Status Registers Status register conveying the async channel pair (ASX) information decoded from audio control packet
0xFC GUI Parameters Status register Status register conveying the values of the GUI parameters selected during core generation
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