SDI Output Interface - 2.0 English - PG309

UHD SDI Audio LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG309)

Document ID
Release Date
2.0 English
Table 1. UHD-SDI Audio (Embed) I/O Signal Description
Port Name Width I/O Description
sdi_embed_anc_ds1_out 10 Output Data stream 1. In SD mode this is interleaved Y/C. In HD and 3GA modes, this is the Y channel. In 3GB mode, this is the link A Y channel. In 6G and 12G modes, this is ds1.
sdi_embed_anc_ds2_out 10 Output Data stream 2. Not used in SD mode. In HD and 3GA modes, this is the C channel. In 3GB mode, this is the link A C channel. In 6G and 12G modes, this is ds2.
sdi_embed_anc_ds3_out 10 Output Data stream 3. Not used in SD, HD, and 3GA modes. In 3GB mode, this is the link B Y channel. In 6G and 12G modes, this is ds3.
sdi_embed_anc_ds4_out 10 Output Data stream 4. Not used in SD, HD, and 3GA modes. In 3GB mode, this is the link B C channel. In 6G and 12G modes, this is ds4.
sdi_embed_anc_ds5_out through sdi_embed_anc_ds16_out 10 Output Additional data stream ports. The number of ports that are active depend on the number of data streams interleaved on the SDI signal. These ports are never active in SD, HD, or 3G modes.