Port Name | I/O | Description |
s_axis_aclk_stream<n> | I | MST AXI4-Stream clock |
s_axis_aresetn_stream<n> | I | MST stream reset; Active-Low |
s_axis_video_stream<n>_tdata[191:0] | I | MST stream video data input |
s_axis_video_stream<n>_tlast | I | MST stream video end of line |
s_axis_video_stream<n>_tready | O | MST stream input ready |
s_axis_video_stream<n>_tuser | I | MST stream video start of frame |
s_axis_video_stream<n>_tvalid | I | MST stream video valid |
m_aclk_stream1 | I | Video pipe clock for stream1. Used in MST configuration. |
m_aresetn_stream1 | I | Active-Low video pipe reset for stream 1. Used in MST configuration. |
m_aclk_stream2 | I | Video pipe clock for stream 2. Used in MST configuration. |
m_aresetn_stream2 | I | Active-Low video pipe reset for stream 2. Used in MST configuration. |
tx_vid_clk_stream<n> | I | User data clock for MST stream n |
tx_vid_rst_stream<n> | I | Active-High user video reset |
tx_video_stream<n>_tx_vid_vsync | I | Vertical sync pulse. Active on the rising edge. |
tx_video_stream<n>_tx_vid_hsync | I |
Horizontal sync pulse. Active on the rising edge. |
tx_video_stream<n>_tx_vid_enable | I | User data video enable |
tx_video_stream<n>_tx_vid_pixel0[47:0] | I | Video data |
tx_video_stream<n>_tx_vid_pixel1[47:0] | I | Video data |
tx_video_stream<n>_tx_vid_pixel2[47:0] | I | Video data |
tx_video_stream<n>_tx_vid_pixel3[47:0] | I | Video data |
tx_video_stream<n>_tx_vid_oddeven | I |
Odd/even field select. Indicates an odd (1) or even (0) field polarity. If not used, connect this pin to the ground. |