Controller Options: Enable Error Injection - 4.1 English - PG036

Soft Error Mitigation Controller Product Guide (PG036)

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4.1 English

The Enable Error Injection check box is used to enable or disable the error injection feature. Error injection is a design verification function that provides a mechanism for users to create errors in Configuration Memory that model a soft error event. This is useful during integration or system-level testing to verify that the controller has been properly interfaced with system supervisory logic and that the system responds as desired when a soft error event occurs.

If error injection is enabled, the Error Injection Interface is generated (as indicated by the Component Symbol) and the controller performs error injections in response to your commands. These commands can be applied to the Error Injection Interface or to the Monitor Interface.

If error injection is disabled, the Error Injection Interface is removed (as indicated by the Component Symbol) and the controller does not perform any error injections.

TIP: The Monitor Interface continues to exist even if the Error Injection Interface is removed. If error injection commands are applied to the Monitor Interface, the controller parses the commands but otherwise ignores them.