The top-level entity is tb_<IP_instance_name> .
It instantiates the following modules:
The <IP> core instance under test.
• axi4lite_mst
The AXI4-Lite master module, which initiates AXI4-Lite transactions to program core registers.
• axi4s_video_mst
The AXI4-Stream master module, which generates ramp data and initiates AXI4-Stream transactions to provide video stimuli for the core and can also be used to open stimuli files and convert them into corresponding AXI4-Stream transactions.
To do this, edit tb_<IP_instance_name>.v :
Add define macro for the stimuli file name and directory path
define STIMULI_FILE_NAME<path><filename>
Comment-out/remove the following line:
MST.is_ramp_gen(`C_ACTIVE_ROWS, `C_ACTIVE_COLS, 2);
and replace with the following line:
• axi4s_video_slv
The AXI4-Stream slave module, which acts as a passive slave to provide handshake signals for the AXI4-Stream transactions from the core output, can be used to open the data files and verify the output from the core.
To do this, edit tb_<IP_instance_name>.v :
Add define macro for the golden file name and directory path
define GOLDEN_FILE_NAME “<path><filename>
Comment out the following line:
and replace with the following line:
• ce_gen
Programmable Clock Enable ( ACLKEN ) generator.