Enumeration - 2022.1 English - UG1076

Versal ACAP AI Engine Programming Environment User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English
enum io_profiling_option

The io_profiling_option contains the enumerated options for performance profiling using PLIO and GMIO objects. The io_total_stream_running_to_idle_cycles option represents the total accumulated clock cycles in between the stream running event and the stream idle event of the corresponding stream port in the interface tile. This option can be used to profile platform I/O bandwidth.

The io_stream_start_to_bytes_transferred_cycles option represents the clock cycles in between the first stream running event to the event that the specified number of bytes are transferred through the stream port in the interface tile. This option can be used to profile graph throughput.

The io_stream_start_difference_cycles option represents the clock cycles elapsed between the first stream running events of the two platform I/O objects. This option can be used to profile graph latency.

The io_stream_running_event_count option represents the number of stream running events. This option can be used to profile the graph throughput during a period of time for streaming applications.