input_plio/output_plio - 2022.1 English - UG1076

Versal ACAP AI Engine Programming Environment User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

These classes represent the I/O port specification used to connect AI Engine kernels to the external platform ports representing programmable logic.

Member Functions

create(plio_type plio_width, std::string datafile);

The above input_plio/output_plio port specification is used to represent a single 32-bit, 64-bit, or 128-bit input or output AXI4-Stream port at the AI Engine array interface. The datafile is an input or output file path that sources input data or receives output data for simulation purposes. This data could be captured separately during simulation run.

create(std::string logical_name, plio_type plio_width, std::string datafile);

The above input_plio/output_plio port specification is used to represent a single 32-bit, 64-bit, or 128-bit input or output AXI4-Stream port at the AI Engine array interface. Here the plio_width can be one of plio_32_bits (default), plio_64_bits, or plio_128_bits. The logical_name must be the same as the annotation field of the corresponding port as presented in the logical architecture interface specification.

create(std::string logical_name, plio_type plio_width, std::string datafile, double frequency);

The above input_plio/output_plio port specification is used to represent a single 32-bit, 64-bit, or 128-bit input or output AXI4-Stream port at the AI Engine array interface. Here plio_width can be one of plio_32_bits (default), plio_64_bits, or plio_128_bits. The frequency of the input_plio/output_plio port can also be specified as part of the constructor.

create(std::string logical_name, plio_type plio_width, std::string datafile, double frequency, bool binary, bool hex);

The above input_plio/output_plio boolean port specification is used to indicate if the contents in the input data file are in hex or binary formats.

The data in the data files must be organized according to the bus width of the input_plio/output_plio attribute (32, 64, or 128) per line as well as the data type of the graph port it is connected to. For example, a 64-bit input_plio feeding a kernel port with data type int32 requires file data organized as two columns. However, the same 64-bit input_plio feeding to a kernel port with data type cint16 requires the data to be organized into four columns, each representing a 16-bit real or imaginary part of the complex data type.