Reading and Advancing an Input Stream - 2022.1 English - UG1076

Versal ACAP AI Engine Programming Environment User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

AI Engine Operations

The following operations read data from the given input stream and advance the stream on the AI Engine. Because there are two input stream ports on the AI Engine, the physical port assignment is made by the AI Engine compiler automatically and conveyed as part of the stream data structure. Data values from the stream can be read one at a time or as a vector. In the latter case, unless all values are present, the stream operation stalls. The data groupings are based on the underlying single cycle, 32-bit stream operation or 4 cycle, 128-bit wide stream operation. The cascade connection reads all accumulator values in parallel.

int32 readincr(input_stream_int32 *w);
uint32 readincr(input_stream_uint32 *w);
cint16 readincr(input_stream_cint16 *w);
float readincr(input_stream_float *w);
cfloat readincr(input_stream_cfloat *w);

v16int8 readincr_v16(input_stream_int8 *w);
v16uint8 readincr_v16(input_stream_uint8 *w);
v8int16 readincr_v8(input_stream_int16 *w);
v4cint16 readincr_v4(input_stream_cint16 *w);
v4int32 readincr_v4(input_stream_int32 *w);
v2cint32 readincr_v2(input_stream_cint32 *w);
v4float readincr_v4(input_stream_float *w);

v8acc48 readincr_v8(input_stream_acc48 *w);
v4cacc48 readincr_v4(input_stream_cacc48 *w);
v4acc80 readincr_v4(input_stream_acc80 * str);
v2cacc80 readincr_v2(input_stream_cacc80 * str);
v8float readincr_v8(input_stream_accfloat * str);
v4cfloat readincr_v4(input_stream_caccfloat * str);