Debugging projects built from the command line is a special challenge because
the various elements of the system, the compiled graph application (libadf.a), the device binary (XCLBIN), and the
top-level application (host.cpp), must be
gathered together and presented as a system. In the Vitis IDE this is done through the system-level project that is
created when you first created the graph project. In the command line flow, this
service is provided by the Vitis compiler
package process. As described in Packaging,
the v++ --package
command gathers the elements of
the system together to create a boot container for either hardware emulation or
hardware builds.
In addition, you must separately manage the different elements of the debug
environment, running the QEMU emulation environment, or running the xrt_server
for connecting to the hardware, and
launching the Vitis IDE to run the debug
process. The steps and requirements for command line debug are detailed in the
following topics.