Editing Properties for Multiple Objects - 2021.2 English - UG893

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

After selecting multiple objects in a workspace window, you can use the Tools > Property Editor command to open the Property Editor (shown in the following figure) and edit properties for the selected objects.

Figure 1. Property Editor

In the Property Editor, you can also do the following:

  • To adjust the Property Editor display, click the Settings toolbar button . Edit the options that control the display of the header, types of objects, and properties (as shown in the following figure).
  • To filter the displayed data, right-click in the Property Options, and select a filter command. For example, select Show Columns with Differences to filter out columns in which all of the data is the same.
  • To change the value of a property for multiple objects, change a value in a cell at the top or bottom of the list. Press Ctrl or Shift and select the modified cell as well as the cells you want to change. Click the Fill Up or Fill Down toolbar button.
  • To add more objects to the Property Editor, drag the objects from the workspace window, and drop them onto the Property Editor. Alternatively, select the objects and click the Add Selected Objects toolbar button .
Tip: Editable text strings are indicated by a pencil icon .
Figure 2. Property Editor Options