I/O Ports Window Popup Menu - 2021.2 English

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

You can select ports and interfaces from the I/O Ports window and assign them to package pins or device resources, using the I/O Planning window layout. The popup menu contains the following commands:

I/O Port Bus Properties
Allows you to view or edit properties for the selected object.
Deletes the current selection.
Expand Selection
Expands the selected rows.
Create I/O Port Interface
Defines a new port interface to group ports. You can select and place port interfaces as one object within the I/O planning environment.
Assign to Interface
Assigns a group of ports, port buses, or interfaces to a parent interface.
Unassign from Interface
Unassigns a group of ports, port buses, or interfaces from their parent interface.
Configure I/O Ports
Assigns various properties of the selected I/O ports.
Reset Invalid Port Properties
Resets any invalid properties on the specified port to the default value.
Reset Port Properties
Resets all properties on the specified port to the default values.
Set Direction
Specifies the direction of a port only in an I/O planning project.
Make Diff Pair
Defines two ports as a differential pair in an I/O planning project.
Split Diff Pair
Removes the differential pair association from the selected port in an I/O planning project.
Auto-place I/O Ports
Places I/O ports using the Autoplace I/O Ports wizard.
Place I/O Ports in an I/O Bank
Assigns the currently selected ports onto pins on the specified I/O bank.
Place I/O Ports in Area
Assigns the currently selected ports onto pins in the specified area.
Place I/O Ports Sequentially
Assigns the currently selected ports individually onto pins.
Unplaces the selected I/O ports.
Fix Ports
Constrains the selected, placed ports to their current locations, or if no ports are selected, constrains all placed ports. Upon completion, a dialog box appears with summary information.
Note: This operation is only enabled for placed I/O ports. The resulting Tcl command is set_property IS_LOC_FIXED true [get_ports [list <list of ports>]].
Unfix Ports
Unfixes the selected placed I/O ports.
Swap Locations
Swaps the sites for two selected ports.
Creates a schematic from the selected objects.
Highlights the selected objects.
Unhighlights the selected objects.
Draws a marker for the selected object.
Removes the marker for the selected object.
Export I/O Ports
Writes the contents of the I/O Ports window to a CSV, XDC, Verilog, or VHDL file.
Export to Spreadsheet
Exports the information in the I/O Ports window to a spreadsheet file.
Note: By default, the Vivado IDE exports seven levels of hierarchy to the Excel spreadsheet.