Messages Window Toolbar Commands - 2021.2 English - UG893

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

The local toolbar contains the following commands:

Opens the search bar to allow you to locate messages.
Note: You can also access this command through the Alt+/ keyboard shortcut.
Collapse All
Collapses all constraints.
Note: You can also access this command through the Ctrl+- keyboard shortcut.
Expand All
Expands all constraints.
Note: You can also access this command through the Ctrl+= keyboard shortcut.
Filter Messages
Adjusts message filtering as follows:
Show suppressed
Displays only suppressed messages. To suppress messages, use the Manage Suppression popup menu command or set_msg_config Tcl command.
Note: This setting results in an empty Messages window if no messages are suppressed.
Show unsuppressed
Displays only unsuppressed messages.
Note: This is the default setting.
Show both
Displays both suppressed and unsuppressed messages. Suppressed messages have a backslash (\) through the severity icon.
Show modified
Displays only messages with a modified severity. To modify message severity, use the Message Severity popup menu command or set_msg_config -new_severity Tcl command.
Note: This setting results in an empty Messages window if no messages are modified.
Show unmodified
Displays only messages that have their original severity.
Note: This is the default setting.
Show both
Displays messages with both modified and original severity. Messages with a modified severity have an asterisk (*) on the severity icon.
Manage Message Suppression
Opens the Manage Suppression dialog box in which you can add or remove suppression rules. For more information, see Suppressing Messages and Unsuppressing Messages.
Discard User Created Messages
Removes messages related to project load and analysis as well as messages output from scripts and Tcl commands entered in the Tcl Console.
Note: You cannot use this command to clear messages output from design runs. Instead, use the Reset Runs popup menu command to reset the run and clear the messages for the run.
Controls the display of information in the window.
Group by File
Groups messages by file.
Group by ID
Groups messages by message ID.
Wrap Lines
Wraps messages to the next line to fit the message to the width of the Messages window.
Tip: If the message limit is exceeded, a Message limit exceeded prompt appears. You can disable line wrapping to improve message display performance.