Using the Project Summary Dashboard - 2021.2 English

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

You can configure the Project Summary Dashboard (shown in the following figure) to view and analyze data as follows:

  • Show various data in either tabular or graphical form
  • Compare values across multiple runs
  • Create a gadget that shows various data points for a single or multiple runs
    Note: The data for the gadget is gathered from the reports associated with the runs. To create a gadget, you must first set up reports for the runs. For more information on reports, see Using the Reports Window.
Tip: When you request data from a report that was reset or is not part of the run, the gadget displays a message stating the information is unavailable. To resolve this issue, verify that the report type is part of the Report Strategy. Then, add the report type, change the report type in the gadget, or launch the run to generate the report as needed.
Figure 1. Project Summary Dashboard