Using the Text Editor - 2021.2 English - UG893

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado IDE (UG893)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

The Vivado IDE Text Editor is a configurable, integrated text editor that supports syntax highlighting, on-the-fly syntax checking, assistance with errors and warnings, code folding, code completion, and file comparison. The Text Editor supports the following file types:

  • Verilog and Verilog header files
  • SystemVerilog
  • VHDL files
  • Constraint files
  • Tcl scripts
  • Vivado IDE journal and log files
  • Simple text files

The Text Editor supports the following features, as shown in the following figure.

  • On-the-fly syntax checking

    A wavy red underline indicates a syntax error, such as shown on Line 41.

    Note: Syntax errors can affect syntax that occurs later in the file. Therefore, fixing errors at the start of the file can fix errors that occur later in the file.
    Important: If you are using a third-party text editor, you must run syntax checking manually using the check_syntax Tcl command.
  • Assistance with errors and warnings

    To the right of the scroll bar, a red marker indicates the location of a syntax error or warning. You can click the marker to scroll to the line with the issue. You can also hover over the marker to read information about the issue. For Line 41, the syntax error is <std_logi> is not declared.

  • Code completion

    You can insert your cursor in a line with an error, and press Ctrl+Space for code completion suggestions to resolve the error. On Line 41, the drop-down shows multiple suggestions.

    Tip: For information on adjusting the display of syntax highlighting, warnings, errors, and code completion, see Specifying Text Editor Settings.

You can also use the following features in the Text Editor:

  • Go to signal, type, and constant declarations

    Select the signal, type, or constant, right-click, and select Go to Definitions.

  • Show usages for signals, types, and constants

    Select the signal, type, or constant, right-click, and select Find Usages.

  • Display constant values in a tool tip

    Hover over the variable to show the tool tip.

  • Show type definition in a tool tip

    Hover over the variable to show the tool tip.

Figure 1. Text Editor Features