platforminfo Utility - 2021.2 English

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

The platforminfo command line utility reports platform meta-data including information on interface, clock, valid SLRs and allocated resources, and memory in a structured format. This information can be referenced when allocating kernels to SLRs or memory resources for instance.

The following command options are available to use with platforminfo:

Table 1. platforminfo Commands
Option Description
-f [ --force ] Overwrite an existing output file.
-h [ --help ] Print help message and exit.
-k [ --keys ] Get keys for a given platform. Returns a list of JSON paths.
-l [ --list ] List platforms. Searches the user repo paths $PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS and then the install locations to find .xpfm files.
-e [ --extended ] List platforms with extended information. Use with '--list'.
-d [ --hw ] <arg> Hardware platform definition (*.dsa) on which to operate. The value must be a full path, including file name and .dsa extension.
-s [ --sw ] <arg> Software platform definition (*.spfm) on which to operate. The value must be a full path, including file name and .spfm extension.
-p [ --platform ] <arg> Xilinx® platform definition (*.xpfm) on which to operate. The value for --platform can be a full path including file name and .xpfm extension, as shown in example 1 below. If supplying a file name and .xpfm extension without a path, this utility will search only the current working directory. You can also specify just the base name for the platform. When the value is a base name, this utility will search the $PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS, and the install locations, to find a corresponding .xpfm file, as shown in example 2 below.
Example 1: --platform /opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3.xpfm

Example 2: --platform xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1
-o [ --output ] <arg> Specify an output file to write the results to. By default the output is returned to the terminal (stdout).
-j [ --json ] <arg> Specify JSON format for the generated output. When used with no value, the platforminfo utility prints the entire platform in JSON format. This option also accepts an argument that specifies a JSON path, as returned by the -k option. The JSON path, when valid, is used to fetch a JSON subtree, list, or value.
Example 1: 
platforminfo --json="hardwarePlatform" --platform <platform base name>

Example 2: Specify the index when referring to an item in a list.
platforminfo --json="hardwarePlatform.devices[0].name" --platform <platform base name>

Example 3: When using the short option form (-j), the value must follow immediately.
platforminfo -j"hardwarePlatform.systemClocks[]" -p <platform base name>
-v [ --verbose ] Specify more detailed information output. The default behavior is to produce a human-readable report containing the most important characteristics of the specified platform.
Note: Except when using the --help or --list options, a platform must be specified. You can specify the platform using the --platform option, or using either --hw, --sw. You can also simply insert the platform name or full path into the command line positionally.

To understand the generated report, condensed output logs, based on the following command are reviewed. Note that the report is broken down into specific sections for better understandability.

platforminfo -p $PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS/xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1.xpfm
Tip: See Platforminfo for xilinx_zcu104_base_202010_1 for an example of embedded processor platforms.