Scenario 1: Auto-Restarting Kernel with Streaming Interface - 2021.2 English

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English
The auto-restarting kernel can run continuously until reset. If the kernel includes a streaming interface, the host code should be able to stop the kernel using a software reset feature. To define this behavior the kernel must be configured in Vitis HLS using the global configuration options as shown below:
config_interface -s_axilite_auto_restart_counter 1
config_interface -s_axilite_sw_reset
Tip: To specify Vitis HLS commands from the v++ -c command line, use the --hls.pre_tcl option as described in --hls Options.

The kernel code for an auto-restarting kernel would look similar to the following example:

#include "ap_axi_sdata.h"
#include "hls_stream.h"
typedef ap_axis<32, 0, 0, 0> pkt;
extern "C" {
10 void krnl_stream_vdatamover(hls::stream<pkt> &in,
11    hls::stream<pkt> &out  // Internal Stream
12    ) {
13 #pragma HLS interface ap_ctrl_chain port=return
14 bool eos = false;
15 vdatamover:
16   do {
17     // Reading a and b streaming into packets
18     pkt t1 =;
20     // Packet for output
21     pkt t_out;
23     // Reading data from input packet
24     ap_uint<DWIDTH> in1 =;
26     // Vadd operation
27     ap_uint<DWIDTH> tmpOut = in1;
29     // Setting data and configuration to output packet
30 = tmpOut;
31     t_out.last = t1.last;
32     t_out.keep = -1; // Enabling all bytes
34     // Writing packet to output stream
35     out.write(t_out);
37     if (t1.last) {
38        eos = true;
39     }
40   } while (eos == false);

Using the XRT native API, the host application requires the kernel to be set to auto-restart mode using the xrt::autostart API as specified below. Create an XRT run object in the host application and set it in the autostart mode. This specifies the iter = 0 meaning there is no limit on the number of iterations to restart the kernel.

Because the kernel has a streaming interface, the kernel will not stop itself because there is no start and stop for a streaming interface. In this case, the host application can explicitly stop the kernel using the abort() method.

// add(in1, in2, nullptr, data_size)
  xrt::kernel add(device, uuid, "krnl_stream_vadd");
  xrt::bo in1(device, data_size_bytes, add.group_id(0));
  auto in1_data =<int*>();
  xrt::bo in2(device, data_size_bytes, add.group_id(1));
  auto in2_data =<int*>();
  // mult(in3, nullptr, out, data_size)
  xrt::kernel mult(device, uuid, "krnl_stream_vmult");
  xrt::bo in3(device, data_size_bytes, mult.group_id(0));
  auto in3_data =<int*>();
  xrt::bo out(device, data_size_bytes, mult.group_id(2));
  auto out_data =<int*>();
  xrt::kernel incr(device, uuid, "krnl_stream_vdatamover");
  // create run objects for re-use in loop
  xrt::run add_run(add);
  xrt::run mult_run(mult);
  std::cout <<"performing auto-restart mode with infinite auto restart"<<std::endl;
  auto incr_run = incr(xrt::autostart{0}, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
  // computed expected result
  std::vector<int> sw_out_data(data_size);
  std::cout << " for loop started" <<std::endl;
  bool error = false;   // indicates error in any of the iterations
  for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < iter; ++cnt) {
    // Create the test data and software result
    for(size_t i = 0; i < data_size; ++i) {
      in1_data[i] = static_cast<int>(i);
      in2_data[i] = 2 * static_cast<int>(i);
      in3_data[i] = static_cast<int>(i);
      out_data[i] = 0;
      sw_out_data[i] = (in1_data[i] + in2_data[i] + adder1 + adder2) * in3_data[i];
    // sync test data to kernel
    // start the pipeline
    add_run(in1, in2, nullptr, data_size);
    mult_run(in3, nullptr, out, data_size);
    // wait for the pipeline to finish
    // sync result from device to host
    // compare with expected scalar adders
    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < data_size; i++) {
      if (out_data[i] != sw_out_data[i]) {
        std::cout << "error in iteration = " << cnt
                  << " expected output = " << sw_out_data[i]
                  << " observed output = " << out_data[i]
                  << " adder1 = " << adder1 - 1
                  << " adder2 = " << adder2 + 1 << '\n';
        throw std::runtime_error("result mismatch");
// auto restart kernel would require the host to stop it explicitly