To use the Xilinx runtime (XRT) environment properly, the host application needs to identify the accelerator card and device ID that the kernel will run on, and load the device binary (.xclbin) into the device.
The XRT API includes a Device class (
) that can be used to specify the device ID on the accelerator
card, and an XCLBIN class (xrt::xclbin
) that defines
the program for the runtime. You must use the following include statement in your source
code to load these classes:
#include <xrt/xrt_kernel.h>
The following code snippet creates a device object by specifying the device ID from the target platform, and then loads the .xclbin into the device, returning the UUID for the program.
//Setup the Environment
unsigned int device_index = 0;
std::string binaryFile = parser.value("kernel.xclbin");
std::cout << "Open the device" << device_index << std::endl;
auto device = xrt::device(device_index);
std::cout << "Load the xclbin " << binaryFile << std::endl;
auto uuid = device.load_xclbin(binaryFile);
Tip: The device ID can be
obtained using the
command for a specific