Cross-Probing between Reports - 2021.2 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

The Vitis analyzer supports a variety of selectable objects within different reports and views:

Compute Units (CU)
Selectable in the System Diagram and associated Compute Units table. Selecting the kernel selects associated compute units and vice versa. The CU is found in the Utilization report, the Profile Summary, the Timeline Trace, and the Waveform view.
CU ports
Selectable in the System Diagram.
Selectable in the System Diagram and associated Kernels table. Note that selecting the kernel also selects the CUs and vice versa. Kernels are found in the Link Summary, Utilization report, System Guidance (under Accelerators), Profile Summary, and the Waveform view.
Kernel ports
Selectable in the System Diagram.
Function arguments
Selectable the System Diagram and Kernels table.
AXI interconnects
Selectable in the System Diagram. This selects all connections to a memory bank.
AXI ports
Selectable in the System Diagram. These are "flattened", for example, they are the same for all kernels. Shown in the Profile Summary, and the Waveform view (data transfers).
Memory resources
Selectable in the Platform and System Diagrams, and associated Memories table. Shown in the Profile Summary (data transfers: kernels to global memory).
Host CPU
Selectable in the Platform and System Diagrams.
Figure 1. Cross-Probing Reports

The Vitis analyzer supports cross-probing between reports, such as within the System Diagram and from the Guidance View to other views. The Guidance view will provide an actionable resolution for a violation reported, and you can use cross-probing from the violation to quickly navigate to other reports and views.

Cross-probing can be bidirectional or unidirectional, depending on the report. The Guidance report lets you select objects in other reports, but does not support cross-probing from other reports or views.

  • Bidirectional cross-probing between the System Diagram and Profile Summary report. Selecting a kernel, compute unit or compute unit port in one selects it in the other. Selecting a kernel also selects associated CUs in the reports.
  • Unidirectional cross-probing from the Guidance to the System Diagram and Profile Summary report. The Details column of the guidance report displays hyperlinks that correspond to design objects such as kernels, CUs, etc.
    • Clicking a kernel, compute unit, or compute unit port hyperlink in Guidance selects it in the System Diagram and Profile Summary.
    • Clicking a memory or kernel argument hyperlink selects it in the System Diagram, but not the Profile Summary.
    • Clicking a kernel port hyperlink in Guidance selects a CU port in the System Diagram.
    • In some cases, the Details column displays a hyperlink for a value, for example, 82.601%.
      • Clicking a value hyperlink selects the corresponding design object and navigates to the associated section in the Profile Summary report.
      • If the report is already open but is hidden behind another tab, it will be brought to the front.
      • If the report is not open, clicking a value hyperlink will open the report.
    • Guidance hyperlinks also have tooltips explaining what the click action does.
    • Additionally, selecting other objects such as the host, memories, AXI interconnects, and kernel arguments in the System Diagram does not cross-probe to the Profile Summary because the report does not represent these as selectable objects.