Apply Array Partitioning - 2021.2 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

Unrolling loops changes the I/O requirements and data access patterns of the function. If a loop makes array accesses, as is almost always the case, ensure that the resulting datapath can access all the data it needs in parallel.

If unrolling a loop does not result in the expected performance improvement, this is almost always because of memory access bottlenecks.

By default, the Vitis HLS compiler maps large arrays to memory resources with a word width equal to the size of one array element. In most cases, this default mapping needs to be changed when loop unrolling is applied.

As explained in Array Configuration, the HLS compiler supports various pragmas to partition and reshape arrays. Consider using these pragmas when loop unrolling to create a memory structure that allows the desired level of parallel accesses.

Unrolling and partitioning arrays can be sufficient to meet the latency and throughput goals for the targeted loop. If so, shift to the next loop of interest. Otherwise, look at additional optimizations to improve throughput.