Summary - 2021.2 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

This section summarizes the VLNV for the RTL kernel IP, the software function prototype, and hardware control registers created from options selected in the previous pages. The function prototype conveys what a kernel call would be like if it was a C function. See the host code generated example of how to set the kernel arguments for the kernel call. The register map shows the relationship between the host software ID, argument name, hardware register offset, type, and associated interface. Review this section for correctness before proceeding to generate the kernel.

Figure 1. Kernel Wizard Summary Page

Click OK to generate the top-level wrapper for the RTL kernel, the VADD temporary RTL kernel IP, the kernel.xml file, the simulation test bench, and the example host.cpp code. After these files are created, the RTL Kernel wizard opens a project in the Vivado Design Suite to let you complete kernel development.