Compiling Kernels with Vitis HLS - 2021.2 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

The use model described for the Vitis core development kit is a top-down approach, starting with C/C++ or OpenCL code, and working toward compiled kernels. However, you can also directly develop the kernel to produce a Xilinx object (XO) file to be paired for linking using v++ to produce the .xclbin. This approach can be used for C/C++ kernels using the Vitis HLS tool, which is the focus of this section, or RTL kernels using the Vivado Design Suite. Refer to RTL Kernels for more information.

The approach of developing the kernel directly, either in RTL or C/C++, to produce an XO file, is sometimes referred to as the bottom-up flow. This allows you to validate kernel performance and perform optimizations within Vitis HLS, and export the Xilinx object file for use in the Vitis application acceleration development flow. Refer to the for more information on using that tool.

Figure 1. Vitis HLS Bottom-Up Flow

The benefits of the Vitis HLS bottom-up flow can include:

  • Design, validate, and optimize the kernel separately from the main application.
  • Enables a team approach to design, with collaboration on host program and kernel development.
  • Specific kernel optimizations are preserved in the XO file.
  • A collection of XO files can be used and reused like a library.