Guidelines for Kernels that Access Multiple Memory Banks - 2021.2 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

The DDR memory resources are distributed across the super logic regions (SLRs) of the platform. Because the number of connections available for crossing between SLRs is limited, the general guidance is to place a kernel in the same SLR as the DDR memory resource with which it has the most connections. This reduces competition for SLR-crossing connections and avoids consuming extra logic resources associated with SLR crossing.

Figure 1. Kernel and Memory in Same SLR
Note: The image on the left shows a single AXI interface mapped to a single memory bank. The image on the right shows multiple AXI interfaces mapped to the same memory bank.

As shown in the previous figure, when a kernel has a single AXI interface that maps only a single memory bank, the platforminfo utility described in platforminfo Utility lists the SLR that is associated with the memory bank of the kernel; therefore, the SLR where the kernel would be best placed. In this scenario, the design tools might automatically place the kernel in that SLR without need for extra input; however, you might need to provide an explicit SLR assignment for some of the kernels under the following conditions:

  • If the design contains a large number of kernels accessing the same memory bank.
  • A kernel requires some specialized logic resources that are not available in the SLR of the memory bank.

When a kernel has multiple AXI interfaces and all of the interfaces of the kernel access the same memory bank, it can be treated in a very similar way to the kernel with a single AXI interface, and the kernel should reside in the same SLR as the memory bank that its AXI interfaces are mapping.

Figure 2. Memory Bank in Adjoining SLR
Note: The image on the left shows one SLR crossing is required when the kernel is placed in SLR0. The image on the right shows two SLR crossings are required for kernel to access memory banks.

When a kernel has multiple AXI interfaces to multiple memory banks in different SLRs, the recommendation is to place the kernel in the SLR that has the majority of the memory banks accessed by the kernel (shown it the figure above). This minimizes the number of SLR crossings required by this kernel which leaves more SLR crossing resources available for other kernels in your design to reach your memory banks.

When the kernel is mapping memory banks from different SLRs, explicitly specify the SLR assignment as described in Kernel SLR and DDR Memory Assignments.

Figure 3. Memory Banks Two SLRs Away
Note: The image on the left shows two SLR crossings are required to access all of the mapped memory banks. The image on the right shows three SLR crossings are required to access all of the mapped memory banks.

As shown in the previous figure, when a platform contains more than two SLRs, it is possible that the kernel might map a memory bank that is not in the immediately adjacent SLR to its most commonly mapped memory bank. When this scenario arises, memory accesses to the distant memory bank must cross more than one SLR boundary and incur additional SLR-crossing resource costs. To avoid such costs it might be better to place the kernel in an intermediate SLR where it only requires less expensive crossings into the adjacent SLRs.