Creating an Archive File - 2021.2 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

At times while developing your project, you might introduce changes in your host or kernel code that completely alters the contents or quality of the various build and run summaries produced by the tool. Your existing reports and analysis data are overwritten unless you manually save the relevant files. The Archive Summary command lets you save all relevant files with an open Link Summary or Run Summary.

Tip: This feature lets you quickly share design reports with other team members by sharing the archive summary.

Select File > Archive Summary menu command, or right-click a summary in the Report Navigator and select Archive Summary. This opens the Archive Summary dialog box as shown below.

Figure 1. Archive Summary Dialog Box

Archive file names must have the extension of link_summary.archive, or run_summary.archive to be recognized by the Vitis analyzer. The contents of the archive depend on the summary report being archived.

The contents of the Link Summary include these file extensions:

Binary container(s)
System/platform diagram
System estimate
.html, .pb
Timing summary
.rpt, .rpv

The contents of the Run Summary include these file extensions:

System diagram
Platform diagram
Not required, generated using via perf_analyze and the opencl_summary.csv
Profile summary
Timeline Trace
opencl_trace.csv, native_trace.csv
Waveform report
Important: For AI Engine designs, when a run_summary contains a trace report but does not have an entry for the AI Engine work directory, Vitis analyzer cannot run hwanalyze to display the trace report. In this case, the tool prompts you for the location of the AI Engine compile_summary, and updates the run_summary file on disk. If you archive the run_summary before providing this location, you cannot view the trace report from the archived run_summary.

You can also choose to save the .xclbin file extension, any compiled kernel object file extensions (.o and .xo), and the original source file extensions (.cpp, .c, and .cl) used to generate the summary reports.

Tip: Guidance is not saved because this is dynamically generated by Vitis™ analyzer from opencl_summary.csv, and optionally profile_kernels.csv.
To open an existing archive file, use the File > Open Summary command and browse for the archive file. You can also open an archive file when launching Vitis analyzer:
vitis_analyzer design.archive
There is also a command line form of Archive Summary that you learn more about with:
archive_summary -help
Note: The Vitis analyzer archive is a compressed archive that can be uncompressed to access the individual, including the xclbin and xo file when they are included in the archive.