PMC MIO[44:45] I2C1 Bus - UG1366

VCK190 Evaluation Board User Guide (UG1366)

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1.2 English

[Figure 1, callout 11]

Bus I2C1 connects the XCVC1902 U1 PS bank 501, and the XCZU4EG system controller U125 PS bank 501 to two I2C switches (TCA9548A U35 and U214). These I2C1 connections enable I2C communications with other I2C capable target devices. TCA9548A U35 is pin-strapped to respond to I2C address 0x74. TCA9548A U214 is pin-strapped to respond to I2C address 0x75. The following figure shows the I2C1 bus connectivity detailed in the first two tables below. The I2C1 target device I2C addresses are listed in the third table.

For more information on the TCA9548A and TCA6416A, see the Texas Instruments website.

The detailed Versal adaptive SoC connections for the feature described in this section are documented in the VCK190 board XDC file, referenced in Xilinx Design Constraints.

Figure 1. I2C1 Bus Topology
Table 1. I2C1 TCA9548A U35 Address 0x74 Connections
TCA9548A U35 Schematic Net Name Connected To
Pin Name Pin No. Pin No. Pin Name Reference Designator Device
SDA 19 I2C0_SDA See the connections shown in the "I2C1 Bus Topology" figure.

TCA9548A U35 Addr. 0x74

SD0/SC0 4/5 DC_I2C_SDA/SCL D25,D24 D25,D24 J212 DC connector
5,6 SDA,SCL U34 M24128-BR
7,8 SDA,SCL U32 SI570
SD1/SC1 6/7 FMCP1_IIC_SDA/SCL C31,C30 SDA, SCL J51 ASP_184329_01
SD2/SC2 8/9 FMCP2_IIC_SDA/SCL C31,C30 SDA, SCL J53 ASP_184329_01
SD3/SC3 10/11 DDR4_DIMM1_SDA/SCL 285,141 SDA, SCL J45 FCI 10124677
7,8 SDA,SCL U2 SI570
SD4/SC4 13/14 LPDDR4_SI570_CLK2_SDA/SCL 7,8 SDA,SCL U3 SI570
SD5/SC5 15/16 LPDDR4_SI570_CLK1_SDA/SCL 7,8 SDA, SCL U4 SI570
SD6/SC6 17/18 HSDP_SI570_SDA/SCL 7,8 SDA, SCL U5 SI570
SD7/SC7 19/20 8A34001_SDA/SCL L2,K2 SDIO, SCLK U219 8A34001
3,1&2 N/A J310 2x9 HDR
Table 2. I2C1 TCA9548A U214 Address 0x75 Connections
TCA9548A U214 Schematic Net Name Connected To
Pin Name Pin No. Pin No. Pin Name Reference Designator Device
SDA 19 I2C0_SDA See the connections shown in the "I2C1 Bus Topology" figure.

TCA9548A U214 Addr. 0x75

SD1/SC1 6/7 SFP0_IIC_SDA/SCL T4,T5 SDA_T4,SCL_T5 J287(TOP) 2198318-6
SD2/SC2 8/9 SFP1_IIC_SDA/SCL L4,L5 SDA_L4,SCL_L5 J287(BOT) 2198318-6
SD3/SC3 10/11 QSFP1_I2C_SDA/SCL 12,11 SDA, SCL J288 1551920-2
Table 3. I2C1 Bus Device I2C Addresses
I2C Devices I2C Switch Position I2C Address Device
I2C1 Bus
TCA9548A 8-channel bus switch N/A 0b1110100 0x74 U35 TCA9548A
Function Port Binary Format Hex Format
DC_I2C_SDA/SCL 0 0b1010100 0x54 DC SE1 on J212
0b1000010 0x42 DC SE2 on J212
0b1011101 0x5D U32 SI570
DDR4_DIMM1_SDA/SCL 3 0b1010000 0x50 J45 FCI socket
0b1100000 0x60 U2 SI570
LPDDR4_SI570_CLK2 4 0b1100000 0x60 U3 SI570
LPDDR4_SI570_CLK1 5 0b1100000 0x60 U4 SI570
HSDP_SI570_SDA/SCL 6 0b1011101 0x5D U5 SI570
8A34001_SDA/SCL 7 0b1011000 0x58 U219 8A34001
N/A N/A J310 2x9 HDR.
TCA9548 8-chan. bus switch N/A 0b1110101 0x75 U214 TCA9548A
SFP0_IIC_SDA/SCL 0 0b1010000 0x50 J287 (BOT)
SFP1_IIC_SDA/SCL 1 0b1010000 0x50 J287 (TOP)
QSFP1_I2C_SDA/SCL 2 0b1010000 0x50 J288
No connect 3 - 7 N/A N/A N/A