[Figure 1, callout 7, 8, and 48]
VCK190 JTAG chain
- J36 2x7 2 mm shrouded, keyed JTAG pod flat cable connector
- J207 USB-C connector connected to U20 FT4232HL USB-JTAG bridge
- U125 XCZU4EG System Controller bank 44
Figure 1. JTAG Chain Block Diagram
See Versal ACAP Configuration for information on JTAG programming via:
- FTDI FT4232 USB-to-JTAG/USB-UART device (U20) connected to USB 3.1 type-C connector (J207)
- JTAG pod flat cable connector J36 (2 mm 2x7 shrouded/keyed)
See the "FT4232HL UART Interface Connections" figure in PMC MIO[42:43] UART0 for an overview of FT4232 U20 JTAG and USB-UART connectivity.