The pin mapping is straightforward. The adaptive SoC pins are connected to the input to the level translators, which map to the output pins on the Pmod connector at 3.3V. See Figure 2 for details.
This pin mapping can translate between the VCK190 and VMK180 boards. There is no difference in pin mapping. The signal voltage is controlled by the VADJ, which is set by the system controller. The default is 1.5V for VADJ and this should never be changed. This must match the I/O standard voltage, otherwise it is possible to cause damage to the I/O. The I/O standard used is typically LVCMOS15 (see Figure 2). The TXS0108E level translator has a minimum signal voltage of 1.4V, which means only 1.5V I/O standards can be used with this PMOD FMC board.