Overview - 2.7 English - PG292

1G/10G/25G Switching Ethernet Subsystem Product Guide (PG292)

Document ID
Release Date
2.7 English

The following figure shows the instantiation of various modules and their hierarchy for a single core configuration of the ethernet_1_10_25g example design for a 32-bit MAC and PCS/PMA core when the GT (serial transceiver) is inside the IP core. (Serial Transceiver will always be a part of the example design for AMD Versalâ„¢ adaptive SoC).

Clocking helper blocks are used to generate the required clock frequency for the core.

Figure 1. 32-Bit MAC and PCS/PMA Single Core Example Design Hierarchy

The following figure shows the instantiation of various modules and their hierarchy for a single core configuration of the ethernet_1_10_25g_0 example design for a 64-bit MAC and PCS/PMA core configuration.

Figure 2. 64-Bit MAC and PCS/PMA Single Core Example Design Hierarchy

The following figure shows the instantiation of various modules when their hierarchy for a single core configuration of ethernet_1_10_25g_0 example design for a 32-bit PCS/PMA core.

Figure 3. 32-Bit PCS Only Single Core Example Design Hierarchy

The following user interfaces are available for different configurations.

  • MAC/PCS configuration:
    • AXI4-Stream for datapath interface
    • AXI4-Lite for control and statistics interface
  • PCS configuration:
    • XGMII interface
    • GMII interface
    • AXI4-Lite for control and statistics interface

The ethernet_1_10_25g_0 module is used to generate the data packets for sanity testing. The packet generation and checking is controlled by a FSM module.

The optional modules are described as follows:

TX / RX pipeline register
The TX pipeline register double synchronizes the data from the core to the GT with respect to the tx_clk. The RX pipeline register double synchronizes the data from the GT to the core with respect to the rx_serdes_clk.
Note: If you select Auto-Negotiation in the Vivado IDE, the operation is only performed with the 10G data rate. After the Auto-Negotiation is complete, the core is switched to mission mode. For parallel detection, the core is switched to a 1G data rate.

The following figure shows the instantiation of various modules and their hierarchy for multiple core configuration of the ethernet_1_10_25g_0 example design for a 32-bit PCS/PMA core.

Figure 4. 32-Bit MAC and PCS/PMA Multiple Cores Example Design Hierarchy

The following figure shows the instantiation of various modules and their hierarchy for the multiple core configuration of the ethernet_1_10_25g_0 example design for a 64-bit MAC and PCS/PMA core.

Figure 5. 64-Bit MAC and PCS/PMA Multiple Core Example Design Hierarchy

The following figure shows the instantiation of various modules and their hierarchy for the multiple core configuration of the ethernet_1_10_25g_0 example design for a 32-bit PCS/PMA core.

Figure 6. 32-Bit PCS/PMA Only Multiple Core Example Design Hierarchy