The timings for a normal frame transfer are shown in the following figures
for the 32-bit and 64-bit variants, respectively. When the client wants to transmit
a frame, it asserts the tx_axis_tvalid
and places
the data and control in tx_axis_tdata
and tx_axis_tkeep
in the same clock cycle. When this data
is accepted by the core, indicated by tx_axis_tready
being asserted, the client must provide the next cycle
of data. If tx_axis_tready
is not asserted by the
core, the client must hold the current valid data value until it is. The end of
packet is indicated to the core by tx_axis_tlast
asserted for one cycle. The bits of tx_axis_tkeep
are set appropriately to indicate the number of valid bytes in the final data
transfer. tx_axis_tuser
is also asserted to
indicate a bad packet.
After tx_axis_tlast
is deasserted,
any data and control is deemed invalid until tx_axis_tvalid
is next asserted.