After the build is complete, you can view the microcode produced by the
AI Engine compiler by right-clicking the project in the
Explorer view and
selecting Open Disassembly View. In the
Select Active Core dialog box, select the
core (AI Engine). This opens the LST (.lst) file which is microcode that corresponds to the
kernel code scheduled to be executed on that AI Engine tile. The kernel code is embedded in the LST file after the main end
function. You can select parts of the microcode and cross-probe
to the corresponding line in the kernel source file. This allows you to examine the
number of cycles taken by specific lines of kernel code and see where further
optimizations and efficiencies can be made. In the following image you can see the
microcode in the LST file in the center left and the corresponding kernel code file to
the right. Clicking in either view shows the corresponding code in the other view.
Figure 1. Cross-Probe View