Introduction to the new Vitis Unified IDE - 2023.1 English - UG1076

AI Engine Tools and Flows User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

The next generation AMD Vitis™ Unified Integrated Design Environment (IDE) is currently in preview mode for data center acceleration and embedded system design, AI Engine and High-Level Synthesis (HLS) component creation, platform creation, and embedded software design. Refer to the Vitis Unified IDE and Common Command-Line Reference Guide (UG1553) for more information.

The new Vitis tools embrace a bottom-up design flow that lets you develop components of a system and then integrate the components into a top-level system application. The next generation of tools include both a new Vitis Unified IDE, and new v++ command-line flows for developing AI Engine components and HLS components.

The single integrated development environment provides all the features you need to compile, run, debug, and analyze the different elements of an FPGA-accelerated Data Center application, or heterogeneous embedded system design. The Vitis Unified IDE lets you create AI Engine components using the very-long instruction word (VLIW) processor arrays of AMD Versal™ devices; synthesize C/C++ code into RTL designs using HLS components, run C-simulation and C/RTL Co-simulation; review and analyze build and run summaries in the newly integrated Vitis analyzer tool.

The new Vitis Unified IDE works with the common command-line features of the v++ and vitis-run commands. Whether working from the command-line or from the Vitis Unified IDE, the single environment provides you a tightly integrated design environment where you can accomplish most of your design objectives.