Generating Traffic for Simulation and Emulation - 2023.1 English - UG1076

AI Engine Tools and Flows User Guide (UG1076)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English


This section describes how to provide input and capture the output from the AI Engine array in all simulation and emulation modes using AXI traffic generators. In the AI Engine simulator the input data stimulus is provided using the PLIO object which specifies a text file containing the data:

input_plio plin = input_plio::create("DataIn", adf::plio_32_bits, "data/input.txt");

While this is really fast to get your first simulation in place, the main limitation of this approach is that if you want to change the input file name for another simulation, you have to recompile the entire application. That's why there is a possibility to avoid file name specification and rely on independent External Traffic Generator to generate data traffic on the PLIO:

input_plio plin = input_plio::create("DataIn", adf::plio_32_bits);

For hardware and software emulation an equivalent feature exists that emulates the behavior of this PLIO and AXI4-Stream interface. Both Python and C++ APIs are provided to create these External Traffic Generators that will be connected seamlessly on any of these simulation or emulation modes.

The primary external data interfaces for the AI Engine array are AXI4-Stream interfaces. These are known as PLIOs and allow the AI Engine to receive data, operate on the data, and send data back on a separate AXI4-Stream interface. The input interface to the AI Engine is an AXI4-Stream consumer and the output is an AXI4-Stream producer. To interact with these top level interfaces during hardware and software emulation complementary AXI4-Stream modules are provided. These complementary modules are referred to as the AXI traffic generators.

Note: The width of a PLIO interface is an important system level design decision. The wider the interface the more data can be sent per PL clock cycle.

Standard Use Case

When you develop an AI Engine application and you want to test it either in simulation (x86sim, aiesim) or emulation (sw_emu, hw_emu) you need to provide data at the input and gather the output data to compare them with some predefined reference files. Further more, if your AI Engine graph is intertwined with kernels which are located in the Programmable Logic (HLS C++ or RTL) then you also have to deal with these data flow interruptions. A generic application might look like this:

Figure 1. Generic AI Engine + Programmable Logic Application
In a first step you replace all the connections which are not in the AI Engine array by textfiles to generate traffics:
Figure 2. Initial Simulation Framework
For more flexibility in data generation and verification you can exchange all these text files that you have to manage independently by traffic generators which allow dynamic simulated communication between the PL and the AI Engine array through AXI4-Stream TLM connected to Unix sockets. The power of these external traffic generator is that they can be used in all simulation/emulation framework without modification:
  • x86 Simulation
  • AI Engine simulation
  • SW Emulation
  • HW Emulation
The overall simulation framework would be:
Figure 3. External Traffic Generator-Based Simulation/Emulation

AI Engine Graph Modifications

Nothing has to be changed within the graph concerning the kernel connections. The adaptation of the external traffic generators being done at the IOs of the graph, this is the only part to be changed, from the usual, text file based, form:to the new written way that avoids text file name declaration:

plin = input_plio::create("DataIn1",adf::plio_32_bits);
clip_in = output_plio::create("clip_in",adf::plio_32_bits);
clip_out = input_plio::create("clip_out",adf::plio_32_bits);
plout = output_plio::create("DataOut1",adf::plio_32_bits);

The first parameter of the input/output plio declaration is important as this is the name that will be used on the traffic generator side to connect to the right socket.

x86 simulation and AI Engine simulation can then be launched as soon as the traffic generators will be written in Python or in C++. Traffic generator can also be written in HDL.

Launching the simulation will consists in running in parallel the aiesimulator or the x86simulator in parallel with the external traffic generator.

PL Kernels Change

In considering the AI Engine application and its environment for system emulation modes (sw and hw), you need to model the data transfers to/from the programmable logic side. At the beginning of the development the kernels are not ready to be used in a sw_emu or hw_emu framework, so the Xilinx object files (.xo) cannot be created to be used in the Vitis link stage. You must introduce hooks in the programmable logic so that you can connect external traffic generators to them. provides a complete set of pre-compiled .xo files that can be used for that purpose:
  • $(XILINX_VITIS)/data/emulation/XO/sim_ipc_axis_slave_32.xo, $(XILINX_VITIS)/data/emulation/XO/sim_ipc_axis_master_32.xo
  • $(XILINX_VITIS)/data/emulation/XO/sim_ipc_axis_slave_64.xo, $(XILINX_VITIS)/data/emulation/XO/sim_ipc_axis_master_64.xo
  • $(XILINX_VITIS)/data/emulation/XO/sim_ipc_axis_slave_128.xo, $(XILINX_VITIS)/data/emulation/XO/sim_ipc_axis_master_128.xo

The right set of .xo files should be copied to the right location on your project in order to use them in your configuration file during the Vitis link stage.

Link Stage

During the Vitis link stage (v++ -l ) the previously defined .xo files will be used to connect the related compute units to the AI Engine graph. The system.cfg configuration file is created in such a way that the compute unit names matches the names you defined in the graph for the input_plio and the output_plio:


With this naming precaution, the exact same external traffic generator will be used for any simulation or emulation.

In the case of software emulation (sw_emu) and hardware emulation (hw_emu), you can write the external traffic generator in C++, Python, or HDL, if familiar with RTL coding.

Host Code

The host code creation is very simple. As there are no programmable logic kernels, you can avoid all the stages where you look for and run the PL kernels as well as the parts where you allocate memory for all the buffer objects. The stages are just:
  • Open the device
  • Load the xclbin file
  • Register XRT to connect to the design
  • Run the AI Engine graph

After compiling the host code you can package the whole project. Running the emulation consists in running the external traffic generator in parallel with the standard emulation launch.