Multiple power supplies are required to power Xilinx devices. Separate sources provide the required power for different resources of the device. This allows different resources to work at different voltage levels for increased performance or signal strength while preserving a high immunity to noise and parasitic effects.
For power supplies available in Versal ACAP, refer Versal ACAP Resources and Corresponding Power Supply table in Xilinx Power Estimator User Guide for Versal ACAP (UG1275).
For power supplies available in other
devices, refer FPGA Resources and their Power Supply table in
Power Estimator User Guide (UG440).
Xilinx offers optimized solutions to help you find the right power
delivery solution for your application. The hardware verified reference designs
ensure that all Xilinx power specifications are optimally met
and follow the supported power up/down sequencing. To explore these solutions, see
the Power Delivery Solutions tab of the Power page on the Xilinx website.