Example 4: What If? Design Analysis/Report, Edit, and Reset Design Activity - 2021.2 English - UG907

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Power Analysis and Optimization (UG907)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

Working with power analysis can be very dynamic, allowing you to explore What If? scenarios on the fly. Open the previously implemented design, and enter or source the following commands. This modifies activity for control signals (clock enable and reset) in submodule fftEngine to evaluate the impact on power for this hierarchical level and the entire design.

#---------------- Report power and activity with default settings ------------

# Report power
report_power -file ex3_power_before.pwr

# Get activity of signals of interest
report_switching_activity [get_nets {fftEngine/reset fftEngine/wb_we_i_reg}]

#---------- scenario with no reset and higher CE activity --------------

# disable reset and enable clock enables in module fftEngine most of the time
set_switching_activity -static_probability 0 -signal_rate 0 [get_nets fftEngine/reset_reg]
set_switching_activity -static_probability 1 -toggle_rate 0 [get_nets fftEngine/wb_we_i_reg]
report_power -file ex3_power_no_reset_activ.pwr
report_switching_activity [get_nets fftEngine/reset_reg fftEngine/wb_we_i_reg]

#----------- scenario with active reset and low CE activity ---------

# enable reset and disable clock enable in module fftEngine most of the time
set_switching_activity -static_probability 1 -toggle_rate 0 [get_nets fftEngine/reset_reg]
set_switching_activity -static_probability 0 -signal_rate 0 [get_nets fftEngine/wb_we_i_reg]
report_power -file ex3_power_reset_activ.pwr
report_switching_activity [get_nets fftEngine/reset_reg fftEngine/wb_we_i_reg]