- Performance debug in simulation may not reflect the whole system behavior. Only
simulating a CPM block can result in a fairly accurate performance model, however
users must note the following simulation model limitations:
- High power domain (HPD) and PS9 are modeled with a BFM. This BFM does not
represent hardware in a cycle-accurate manner. This BFM also might require
users to manually set parameters based on their IP settings, and might not
propagate the same values used in hardware. The BFM might use a different
clock frequency to speed-up simulation times through certain events. Or for
simplicity, it might be modeled with a single clock domain that otherwise
would not be in Hardware.
- When simulating CPM or PL PCIe as an
Endpoint, Xilinx provides a Root Port
PCIe model. It is not a BFM but it is
based on PL PCIe IP architecture and most
likely will have a more responsive turnaround time compared to a regular
host system.
- Hardware probing using ILA internal to the CPM or PS or NoC block is not
possible, but NoC NMU and NSU can provide internal statistics such as packet counts.
However, users must keep in mind that one bottleneck in the data pipeline will
eventually spread throughout the entire data path. That is, if the Slaves are
throttling, the Interconnects and Masters can also look like they are throttling.
Therefore this data might require more qualifications with other data before a final
conclusion can be made.
- Similar to the above point, in DMA operation, everything is done in a loop. If
software or host is throttling, hardware will eventually throttle and vice versa.