Using Visualization Scripts - 2021.1 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

For each RP, scripts are automatically created to confirm the site ownership for each part of a DFX design. The visualization scripts generated can vary based on architecture and need.

Scripts are automatically created for all RP Pblock in an hd_visual directory, which is created in the directory where the run script is launched. To use these scripts, read a routed design checkpoint into the Vivado IDE, then source one of the scripts. These design-specific scripts highlight configuration tiles as you have defined them, show configuration frames used to create the partial bit file, or show sites excluded by the DFX floorplan. Additional scripts are created for other flows, such as Module Analysis or Tandem Configuration, and are not used for DFX.

For 7 series devices, the main script is named <rp_pblock>_AllTiles.tcl and shows all the sites owned by the RP, for both placement and routing of any implemented RMs. Other scripts are created for very specific goals and are not needed in most cases.

For UltraScale and UltraScale+, unique scripts named <rp_pblock>_Placement_ AllTiles.tcl and <rp_pblock>_Routing_AllTiles.tcl show the boundaries for the placement and expanded routing for the reconfigurable region. The placement script shows the range available for logic placement after snapping is finished. The routing script shows the expanded routing region and represents the contents of the partial bitstream created for that RP.

For all devices, three additional scripts might be created per design when necessary: blockedBelsRouteThrus.tcl, blockedPins.tcl, and blockedSitesInputs.tcl. When designs encounter higher levels of congestion, these scripts are created to show restricted sites. This information can be used to adjust the size and shape of the RP pblock, and can also be shared with support for troubleshooting purposes.