Complexity - 2021.1 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

First is the resource usage table for the -complexity switch:

| Categories       |Grid Type| Current    |        RM1 |        RM2 |        RM3 |        Max |
|Slice Logic       |         |            |            |            |            |            |
| Slice LUTs       |   SLICE | 936(23.40%)| 936(23.40%)| 927(23.17%)|1091(27.28%)|1091(27.28%)|
|  LUT as Logic    |   SLICE | 836(20.90%)| 836(20.90%)| 827(20.67%)| 977(24.43%)| 977(24.43%)|
|  LUT as Memory   |   SLICE |  100(5.00%)|  100(5.00%)|  100(5.00%)|  114(5.70%)|  114(5.70%)|
|  LUT as Distributed RAM| SLICE | 32(1.60%)| 32(1.60%)|   32(1.60%)|   42(2.10%)|   42(2.10%)|
|  LUT as Shift Register | SLICE | 68(3.40%)| 68(3.40%)|   68(3.40%)|   72(3.60%)|   72(3.60%)|
|  Slice Registers |   SLICE |1775(22.19%)|1775(22.19%)|1613(20.16%)|1654(20.68%)|1775(22.19%)|
|  Register as Flip Flop | SLICE |1775(22.19%) | 1775(22.19%)| 1613(20.16%)| 1654(20.68%)| 1775(22.19%)|
| CARRY8           |   SLICE |  14(2.80%)|    14(2.80%)|   16(3.20%)|   16(3.20%)|   16(3.20%)|
| F7 Muxes         |   SLICE |   6(0.30%)|     6(0.30%)|    6(0.30%)|     6(0.30%)|   6(0.30%)|
| Unique Control Sets | SLICE | 105(21.00%)| 105(21.00%)|100(20.00%)| 102(20.40%)| 105(21.00%)|
|Memory            |         |           |             |            |            |            |
|   RAMB18         |  RAMB18 |   1(5.00%)|     1(5.00%)|   3(15.00%)|   2(10.00%)|   3(15.00%)|
| PPLOCs (INT Tile Ratio)| - | 28(0.09)| 28(0.09)| 28(0.09)| 28(0.09)| 28(0.09)|

Notice that RM1 requires the most resources for Slice Registers, RM2 requires the most block RAM, and RM3 requires the most Slice LUTs. These maximum values for each resource type are summarized in the Max column—this column should be used to plan Pblock resource sizes. Remember that additional overhead is advised—packing densities for a given RP is similar to a complete design.