Port Name | I/O | Description |
Output | Clock Out 1: Output clock of the clocking network. clk_out1 is not optional. |
Input | Clock Enable: Clock enable pin of the output buffer. Available when the BUFGCE or BUFGCE_DIV or BUFG_GT or MBUFGCE buffers are used as output clock drivers. |
Input |
Counter reset for divided clock
output: Available when the BUFGCE_DIV or BUFG_GT buffer is used as an
output clock driver.
Input | Counter reset for divided clock output: Available when the MBUFGCE buffer is used as output clock driver. It is an active-Low signal. |
Input | Clock Enable: Clock enable pin of the output buffer. Available when the BUFGCE or BUFGCE_DIV or BUFG_GT or MBUFGCE buffers are used as output clock drivers. |
Input | Counter reset for divided clock output: Available when the MBUFGCE buffer is used as output clock driver. It is an active-Low signal. |
Input |
Counter reset for divided clock
output: Available when BUFGCE_DIV buffer is used as output clock driver.
Output | Clock Feedback Out: Single ended feedback port of the clocking primitive. Available when the user-controlled feedback or automatic control off chip with single ended feedback option is selected. |
Output | Clock Feedback Out: Positive and Negative: Differential feedback output port of the clocking primitive. Available when the user-controlled off-chip feedback and differential feedback option is selected. |
Input |
Clock CLR: Clock clear pin.
Available when the buffer (auto buffer, either "Buffer" or "Buffer with CE" ) is
used as output clock drive and one For example: Two clock outs are present and clk_out1 = 200 MHz
and clk_out2 = 100 MHz and drives selected as buffer for both the clocks. And
clock grouping is same for both the clocks as both the output frequencies are
integer dividers to each other which can be inferred from MBUFGCE and here,
clk_out1 is tree and clk_out2 is leaf clock derived from it. So,
This is active-Low signal, and you should tie to 1 for MBUFGCE to be active. |
Input |
Clock CE: Clock CE pin. Available when the buffer (auto buffer, which means "Buffer with CE") is used as output clock drive, and one CE pin is available for one MBUFGCE. Which CE pin is available depends on the tree clock and leaf clocks of that MBUFGCE. For example, two clock outs are present and And clock grouping is the same for both the clocks as both the output
frequencies are integer dividers, which can be inferred from MBUFGCE, and here,
This is an active-High signal, and you should tie to 1 for MBUFGCE to be active. |