The following table shows the revision history for this document.
Section | Revision Summary |
1/13/2025 Version 1.14 | |
General | Added VM2152 devices throughout. Updated Table 1 including production
release of the XCVM2152 with speed grades -2MSE, -2MSI, -2MLE, -2MLI, -1MSE, -1MSI,
and -1MLI (VCCINT = 0.80V) using the Vivado Design Suite 2024.2.1 v2.01. This includes updates to the following tables: |
Integrated High-speed Channelized Cryptography Engine | Added this table for the VM2152 devices only. |
9/20/2024 Version 1.13 | |
General updates |
Updated Table 1 including production release of the XQVM1102 with speed grades -2MSI, -1MSM, -1MSI (VCCINT = 0.80V) and -1LSI (VCCINT = 0.70V) using the Vivado Design Suite 2024.1.2 v2.03. This includes updates to the following tables: |
Video Decoder Engines Performance | Removed table because no Versal Prime devices support this feature. |
7/24/2024 Version 1.12 | |
General updates |
Updated Table 1 including production release of the XCVM2202 with speed grade -2HSI (VCCINT = 0.88V) using the Vivado Design Suite 2024.1 v2.01. This includes updates to the following tables: |
Absolute Maximum Ratings | Increased the maximum storage temperature to 150°C. |
Table 2 | Removed redundant Notes 1 and 2. |
Clocks and Reset | Added FCPM5_TOPSW_CLK to Table 5 and Note 13. |
Accelerator RAM Switching Characteristics | Corrected the -2L/-1L from 0.80V to 0.70V for VCC_PSLP see the Available Speed Grades and Operating Voltages table. |
GTM Transceiver Switching Characteristics | Removed the 58 Gb/s condition in the following tables: |
Programmable Logic Integrated Block for PCIe | Added a note to each table in this section to clarify that the specifications are only for the integrated blocks forPCIe. |
Integrated Blocks for PCIe with DMA and Cache Coherent Interconnect (CPM) | Added a note to each table in this section to clarify that the specifications are only for the integrated blocks forPCIe. |
4/30/2024 Version 1.11 | |
General updates |
Updated Table 1 including production release of the XCVM2202 with speed grade -2HSI (VCCINT = 0.88V) using the Vivado Design Suite 2023.2.2 v2.01. This includes updates to the following tables: |
Absolute Maximum Ratings | Added VCCINT_GT specification. |
Recommended Operating Conditions | Updated VGTYP_AVCC and VGTYM_AVCC with voltages based upon temperature ranges (E, I, Q, or M). |
Available Speed Grades and Operating Voltages | Updated Note 5. |
Power Supply Requirements | Added reference links. |
Device Identification | Updated IDCODE for XCVM1102. |
DDR4 and LPDDR4/4X Memory Interface Controller | Updated Note 5. |
GTM Transceiver DC Input and Output Levels | Revised VDIFF maximum from 800 mV to 1600 mV. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver DC Input and Output Levels | Revised VDIFF maximum from 800 mV to 1600 mV. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver Reference Clock Oscillator Selection Phase Noise Mask | Interchanged symbols LCPLL and RINGPLL. |
2/29/2024 Version 1.10 | |
General updates |
Updated Table 1 including production release:
This could include updates to the following tables: |
Absolute Maximum Ratings | Revised the transceiver REFCLK_AC maximum input voltage from 1.200V to 1.350V. |
Block RAM Switching Characteristics | TRCKO_DO and TRCKO_DO_REG values changed for -2LLI. |
DDR4 and LPDDR4/4X Memory Interface Controller | Removed the LPDDR4/4X pin efficient component interface limitation. |
Table 2 | Added the VICM specification. To support LVPECL clocks, changed the VIDIFF maximum (peak-to-peak) to 800 mV. |
GTM Transceiver Performance | Updated to support all the AMD Versal™ Prime devices, added -2H specifications to Table 1 and Table 1. |
GTM Transceiver PLL/Lock Time Adaptation | Update the TDLOCK values for GTM PAM4. |
Table 2 | Added the VICM specification. To support LVPECL clocks, changed the VIDIFF maximum (peak-to-peak) to 800 mV. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver Performance | Updated Table 1 and Table 1 to remove the -3H speed files to match the Versal Prime devices offered. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver User Clock Switching Characteristics | Updated the GTY transceiver -2H values. |
11/08/2023 Version 1.9 | |
General updates | Updated Table 1 including:
Includes updates to Speed Grade Designations, Production Silicon and Software Status, Device Pin-to-Pin Output Parameter Guidelines, Device Pin-to-Pin Input Parameter Guidelines, and Package Parameter Guidelines. |
Recommended Operating Conditions | Updated Note 9 with PSIO operation information. Updated Note 10. |
Available Speed Grades and Operating Voltages | Updated Note 4. |
DDR4 and LPDDR4/4X Memory Interface Controller | Clarified the values for LPDDR4/4X XPIO bank performance. |
GTM Transceiver Performance | Removed notes from FGTMPAM42MAX and FGTMPAM44MAX because they do not apply for the data rates listed. |
GTM Transceiver Reference Clock Switching Characteristics | Added Note 1. |
GTM Transceiver Digital Monitor Clock | Added table. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver Reference Clock Switching Characteristics | Added Note 1. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver Digital Monitor Clock | Added table. |
9/08/2023 Version 1.8 | |
General updates | Updated the Table 1 including:
Includes updates to Speed Grade Designations, Production Silicon and Software Status, Device Pin-to-Pin Output Parameter Guidelines, Device Pin-to-Pin Input Parameter Guidelines, and Package Parameter Guidelines. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver Electrical Compliance | Clarified PCIe support for GTYP transceivers. |
6/07/2023 Version 1.7 | |
General updates | Updated the Table 1 including:
Includes updates to Speed Grade Designations, Production Silicon and Software Status, Device Pin-to-Pin Output Parameter Guidelines, Device Pin-to-Pin Input Parameter Guidelines, and Package Parameter Guidelines. |
Summary | Clarified that the I and M temperature grades are also supported by the Versal Prime devices. |
Recommended Operating Conditions | Updated Tj to add military (M) temperature specifications. |
DC Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Conditions | Added IL specifications. |
VIN Maximum Allowed AC Voltage Overshoot and Undershoot | Added Note 3 and Note 4 for -1MSM devices. |
Table 4 | Added Notes 1, 2, and 3. |
Table 5 | Added Notes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. |
PS Gigabit Ethernet MAC Controller Interface | Added Note 2 to FGEMTSUREFCLK. |
GTM Transceiver DC Input and Output Levels | Added VCMOUTDC to Table 1. Updated
the DVPPOUT output swing setting to 1000100 . |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver DC Input and Output Levels | Removed the row for VCMOUTDC when remote RX is terminated to GND and added Note 2. Updated Note 3. |
3/28/2023 Version 1.6 | |
General updates | Updated the Table 1 including:
Includes updates toSpeed Grade Designations, Production Silicon and Software Status, Device Pin-to-Pin Output Parameter Guidelines, Device Pin-to-Pin Input Parameter Guidelines, and Package Parameter Guidelines. |
Absolute Maximum Ratings | Revised the IDCIN_GTM_AVTT and IDCIN_GTM_GND values from 12 mA to 16 mA. |
Recommended Operating Conditions | Updated VCCINT with values for -2LLI devices and added Note 7. |
Available Speed Grades and Operating Voltages | Updated -2LLI device code and added Note 5. |
Updated VCC_CPM5 values because devices with CPM5 do not support the -2HSI or -2LLI speed grades. | |
Updated Notes 1, 2, and 3. | |
Power Supply Requirements | Updated description to add references to the PDM tool. |
Speed Grade Designations | Removed -2MLI, -2LLI, -1MLI, and -1LLI speed grades from the XQVM1102, XQVM1402, and XQVM1502. |
Production Silicon and Software Status | Added Note 5 to Production Silicon and Software Status |
Added N/A to the columns for XQ devices that do not support low static-power grades. | |
Device Identification | Revised the VM1102 and VM1502 IDCODEs and added XQVM1402, XCVM2202, and XCVM2302 IDCODEs. |
Processing System Performance Characteristics | Updated notes in Table 1 and Table 2. |
PMC JTAG and SelectMAP | Updated Note 1 in Table 1. |
PMC Quad-SPI Controller Interface | Updated the FQSPI_REFCLK maximum for Quad-SPI device clock frequency operating at ≤37.5 MHz (Loopback disabled) from 150 MHz to 300 MHz. |
Block RAM Switching Characteristics | To further delineate the specifications for block RAM clock-to-out delays, added a column for -2LLI and renamed -2L column to -2LSE, -2LLE. |
Device Pin-to-Pin Output Parameter Guidelines | Added column for -2LLI and renamed column to -2LSE, -2LLE. Added XCVM2302 and XCVM2902 values. |
Device Pin-to-Pin Input Parameter Guidelines | Added column for -2LLI and renamed column to -2LSE, -2LLE. Added XCVM2302 and XCVM2902 values. |
Package Parameter Guidelines | Updated XQVM1102, added XQVM1502, XCVM2302 and XCVM2902 values. |
GTM Transceiver DC Input and Output Levels | Updated the DVPPIN PAM4 maximum specification in Table 1. Added Table 3. |
GTM Transceiver Performance | Added notes to the output divider column for both measured BER and availability of certain data rates. |
GTM Transceiver PLL/Lock Time Adaptation | Updated conditions for TLOCK. |
GTM Transceiver Transmitter and Receiver Switching Characteristics | Removed the PAM4 82.5 Gb/s sinusoidal jitter condition. |
Table 2 | Updated RXPPMTOL conditions and Note 2, and added Note 1. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver DC Input and Output Levels | Revised VCMOUTDC and VCMOUTAC equations in GTY and GTYP Transceiver DC Input and Output Levels. |
Updated VOL, VOH, and VCMOUT minimum/maximum values in Table 3. | |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver Performance | In Table 2, revised the GTYP maximum line rate and the LCPLL line rate range. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver User Clock Switching Characteristics | Updated FTXIN and FRXIN values for some data width conditions. |
8/02/2022 Version 1.5 | |
General updates | Updated the Table 1 including production release of some of the devices/speed grade/operating voltages using the Vivado Design Suite 2022.1.1 v2.10 in Speed Grade Designations and Production Silicon and Software Status. |
Speed Grade Designations | Moved the -2LLI (VCCINT = 0.70V) speed file to Evaluation in some devices where it was listed as production. This speed file is not available in the software tools. |
DC Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Conditions | Updated the ICC_BATT conditions and values. |
PMC SD/SDIO Controller Interface | Added TSDDCK and TSDCKD minimum values and updated the TSDSDR12DCK minimum value. |
PMC eMMC Controller Interface | Added TEMMEDCK and TEMMCCKD minimum values. |
Device Pin-to-Pin Output Parameter Guidelines | Updated the XCVM1502 values and added the -2H values for XCVM1302, XCVM1402, and XCVM1802. |
Device Pin-to-Pin Input Parameter Guidelines | Updated the XCVM1502 values and added the -2H values for XCVM1302, XCVM1402, and XCVM1802. |
GTM Transceiver User Clock Switching Characteristics | Updated table values to match the maximum 58 Gb/s line rate. |
Integrated Blocks for PCIe with DMA and Cache Coherent Interconnect (CPM) | Clarified that Overdrive support is not available on -1L (0.70V) devices in Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6. |
5/02/2022 Version 1.4 | |
General updates | Added XQ devices: XQVM1102, XQVM1402, XQVM1502, and XQVM1802. |
Absolute Maximum Ratings | Revised the VGTY_AVCC maximums from 0.97V to 1.01V. Revised the GT transceivers VIN specifications and added unpowered and powered values for VIN_DC and VIN_AC. Revised the transceiver reference clock absolute input AC and DC voltages. Removed duplicate IDCIN-FLOAT rating and note. Removed note 9. |
Available Speed Grades and Operating Voltages | Added the -1MSM speed grade for XQ devices (-1MP-m-S device code). |
Power Supply Requirements | Updated the description. |
AC Switching Characteristics | Updated the Table 1 including production release of some of the devices/speed grade/operating voltages using the Vivado Design Suite 2022.1 v2.06 in Speed Grade Designations and Production Silicon and Software Status. |
Clocks and Reset | Added note 2 to Table 1. |
PMC Octal-SPI Controller Interface | Added values to Table 1 and updated note 1. |
PMC SD/SDIO Controller Interface | Added values to Table 1 and updated note 1. |
PMC eMMC Controller Interface | Added values and notes 3 and 4 to Table 1 and updated note 1. |
DDR4 and LPDDR4/4X Memory Interface Controller | Added note 7 to Table 1 |
GTM Transceiver Specifications | Added GTM transceiver specifications. Some Versal Prime devices have GTM transceivers, see the Versal Architecture and Product Data Sheet: Overview (DS950). |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver Performance | Added the -2H column. Some XC devices offer a -2HSI device and others offer a -3SE device. See the Speed and Temperature Grade table in the Versal Architecture and Product Data Sheet: Overview (DS950). |
Programmable Logic Integrated Block for PCIe | Updated Table 2. |
1/06/2022 Version 1.3 | |
Summary and General Updates | Added the XCVM2202, XCVM2302, and removed XCVM2602 devices. |
Added the GTM transceiver, PCIe 5.0, and CPM5 specifications where applicable. | |
Absolute Maximum Ratings | Revised the maximum VCCO from 3.465V to 3.63V for certain HDIO and PSIO banks. |
Added VREF specifications. | |
Removed TSOL guidelines. See Versal Adaptive SoC Packaging and Pinouts Architecture Manual (AM013) for appropriate specifications by package type. | |
DC Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Conditions | Updated the HDIO, PSIO, and XPIO maximum capacitance and added Note 2. |
Available Speed Grades and Operating Voltages | Added the Vivado Design Tools Device Code column. |
AC Switching Characteristics | Updated to Vivado Design Suite 2021.2.1 v2.05 for XCVM1802 and v1.02 for XCVM1302, XCVM1402. |
Added the Evaluation Product Specification description. | |
Speed Grade Designations | Revised the available speed specifications by device. |
Production Silicon and Software Status | Revised the production released version of the XCVM1802 to Vivado Design Suite 2021.2.1 v2.05 and added Note 4. |
PS USB Controller Interface | Revised TULPICKD input hold time from 0 to 0.5 ns (500 ps). |
Table 6 | Added Note 4 limiting the RLDRAM3 maximum performance for -2L and -1L speed grades. |
Device Pin-to-Pin Output Parameter Guidelines | Revised the XCVM1802 speed specification values for Vivado Design Suite 2021.2.1 v2.05 and added the Vivado Design Suite 2021.2.1 v1.02 values for XCVM1302 and XCVM1402. |
Device Pin-to-Pin Input Parameter Guidelines | Revised the XCVM1802 speed specification values for Vivado Design Suite 2021.2.1 v2.05 and added the Vivado Design Suite 2021.2.1 v1.02 values for XCVM1302 and XCVM1402. |
Package Parameter Guidelines | Added some XCVM1302 and XCVM1402 values. |
7/01/2021 Version 1.2 | |
Recommended Operating Conditions | Added Note 10. |
AC Switching Characteristics | Updated the speed file versions to Vivado Design Suite 2021.1 v2.01. |
Speed Grade Designations | Moved the XCVM1802 to production for the following speed
Production Silicon and Software Status | Updated the software status for the following speed grades to
Vivado Design Suite 2021.1 v2.01.
Processing System Performance Characteristics | In Table 1, updated FRPUMAX for the -3/-2 (0.88V (H)) speed grades. |
Added FPLATB_CLK to Table 2. | |
PS CAN FD Controller Interface | Added Note 2. |
PS Trace Interface | Updated Note 2 and added Note 4. |
Programmable Logic Performance Characteristics | Updated Table 3 for -2/-1 (0.80V (M) and 0.70V (L)) speed grades. |
In Table 6:
Accelerator RAM Switching Characteristics | Added the section because the accelerator RAM is available in the VM1102 device. |
Device Pin-to-Pin Output Parameter Guidelines | Updated the TICKOFMMCM values to the speed specifications in Vivado Design Suite 2021.1. |
Device Pin-to-Pin Input Parameter Guidelines | Updated the setup and hold values to the speed specifications in Vivado Design Suite 2021.1. |
DDR4 and LPDDR4/4X Memory Interface Controller | Added Note 1 to Table 1, and updated Note 5. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver Configuration Interface Port Switching Characteristics | Reduced the maximum GTYAPB3CLK frequency in Table 1. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver User Clock Switching Characteristics | Updated values in Table 2. |
4/14/2021 Version 1.1 | |
General updates | Added GTYP transceiver specifications. |
Summary | Added VCC_PMC overdrive support. |
Table 1 | Updated the notes. |
Table 1 | Revised maximum VCCBATT, added minimum CFU reference clock frequency to FCFU_REFCLK, added overdrive conditions to VCC_PMC , added Notes 2, 3, 4, 9, 13, and updated Note 16. |
Available Speed Grades and Operating Voltages | Updated table with standard and overdrive modes. Added Note 4. |
Table 1 | Added table. |
VIN Maximum Allowed AC Voltage Overshoot and Undershoot | Added note 3 to Table 2. |
Table 3 | Updated VIL maximum and VIH minimum for LVSTL06_12 and LVSTL_11. |
Table 8 | Removed LVSTL_11 (VOH = 33). Added Note 2. |
Table 9 | Removed LVSTL_11 (VOH = 33). |
LVDS DC Specifications (LVDS15) | Added VICM_AC and Note 5. |
AC Switching Characteristics | Updated the speed file versions and the definitions for engineering sample, pre-production, and production product specification. |
Speed Grade Designations | Moved the XCVM1802 to production for the following speed
Production Silicon and Software Status | The XCVM1802 is production released using Vivado Design Suite 2020.3 v2.00. |
Device Identification | Updated the IDCODE for the XCVM1802, and added notes to explain the table fields. |
Processing System Performance Characteristics | Updated Table 1. |
Added FPSFCIDMA_CLK and Note 1 to Table 2. | |
Clocks and Reset | Added TMODEPOR, and TPORMODE to Table 3. |
Added FFPD_LSBUS_CLK and Note 4 to Table 4. | |
In Table 6, updated the IRO tolerance range. | |
Added Note 1 to Table 8. | |
PMC JTAG and SelectMAP | Extensive updates to Table 1 and Table 2. |
PMC Quad-SPI Controller Interface | Extensive changes to the table. Updated Note 1 and added Note 2 and 5. |
PMC Octal-SPI Controller Interface | Removed load condition column. Updated Note 1. |
PS USB Controller Interface | Added TULPIDCK, TULPICKD, and TULPICKO. |
PS Gigabit Ethernet MAC Controller Interface | Added FGEMTSUREFCLK. |
PS Trace Interface | Updated FTCECLK and Note 3. |
Network on Chip Switching Characteristics | Updated the performance values in the table. |
Programmable Logic Performance Characteristics | Updated values in Table 1. Updated values in Table 2 and added Notes 3 and 4. Updated the values in Table 3. Updated the values in Table 6 and added Note 4: Maximum performance for interfaces using more than one bank. Removed the LVDS Native-Mode 1000BASE-X Support table. |
Block RAM Switching Characteristics | Updated TRCKO_DO and TRCKO_DO_REG. |
Input/Output Delay Switching Characteristics | Added TIOL_IDELAY_RESOLUTION. |
MMCM Switching Characteristics | Extensive updates to table and notes including removal of TDESKEWMISMATCH_MMCM. |
DPLL Switching Characteristics | Extensive updates to table and notes including removal of TDESKEWMISMATCH_DPLL. |
XPLL Switching Characteristics | Extensive updates to table and notes including removal of TDESKEWMISMATCH_XPLL. |
Device Pin-to-Pin Output Parameter Guidelines | Updated the XCVM1802 parameters in Vivado Design Suite 2020.3 v2.00. |
Device Pin-to-Pin Input Parameter Guidelines | Updated the XCVM1802 parameters in Vivado Design Suite 2020.3 v2.00. |
Package Parameter Guidelines | Updated the XCVM1802 package skew in Vivado Design Suite 2020.3 v2.00. |
DDR4 and LPDDR4/4X Memory Interface Controller | Added Notes 2 and 3. Updated Note 6. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver DC Input and Output Levels | Revised VIN in Table 1. Updated the specifications in Table 3. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver Performance | Updated the FGTYLRANGE values. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver PLL/Lock Time Adaptation | Added conditions to TLOCK. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver Transmitter and Receiver Switching Characteristics | Removed legacy content and updated the applicable symbols, conditions, and values in both the Transmitter and Receiver tables. |
GTY and GTYP Transceiver Electrical Compliance | Added the table. |
PMC Quad-SPI Controller Interface | Added additional load information to the table. |
Integrated Block for MRMAC | Changed title and added specifications. |
Programmable Logic Integrated Block for PCIe | Added Table 1. |
7/16/2020 Version 1.0 | |
Initial release. | N/A |