Production Silicon and Software Status

Versal Prime Series Data Sheet: DC and AC Switching Characteristics (DS956)

Document ID
Release Date
1.14 English

In some cases, a particular family member (and speed grade) is released to production before a speed specification is released with the correct label (engineering sample, pre-production, production). Any labeling discrepancies are corrected in subsequent speed specification releases.

The following table lists the production released Versal Prime device, speed grade, and the minimum corresponding supported speed specification version and Vivado software versions. The Vivado software and speed specifications listed are the minimum releases required for production. All subsequent releases of software and speed specifications are valid.
Table 1. Production Software and Speed Specification Release
Device Performance as a Function of Speed Grade and Operating Voltage (VCCINT) 1, 2
0.88V (H) 0.80V (M) 0.725V (L) 0.70V (L)
-3 -2 -2 -1 -2LLI -2LSE


XCVM1102 N/A Vivado tools 2024.1 v2.01 Vivado tools 2023.2.1 v2.00 Vivado tools 2024.1 v2.01 Vivado tools 2023.2.1 v2.00
XQVM1102 N/A N/A Vivado tools 2024.1.2 v2.03 N/A N/A Vivado tools 2024.1.2 v2.03
XCVM1302 N/A Vivado tools 2022.1.1 v2.01 Vivado tools 2022.1 v2.00 Vivado tools 2023.2 v2.03 Vivado tools 2022.1 v2.00 Vivado tools 2022.1.1 v2.01 3
XCVM1402 N/A Vivado tools 2022.1.1 v2.01 Vivado tools 2022.1 v2.00 Vivado tools 2023.2 v2.03 Vivado tools 2022.1 v2.00 Vivado tools 2022.1.1 v2.01 3
XQVM1402 N/A N/A Vivado tools 2022.2.1 v2.02 N/A N/A Vivado tools 2022.2.1 v2.02
XCVM1502 N/A Vivado tools 2022.2.2 v2.02 Vivado tools 2022.2.1 v2.01 Vivado tools 2023.2 v2.04 Vivado tools 2022.2 v2.00
XQVM1502 N/A N/A Vivado tools 2023.1.1 v2.03 N/A N/A Vivado tools 2023.1.1 v2.03
XCVM1802 N/A Vivado tools 2022.1.1 v2.10 Vivado tools 2021.2.1 v2.05 4 Vivado tools 2022.2.1 v2.11 Vivado tools 2021.2.1 v2.05 4, 5
XQVM1802 N/A N/A Vivado tools 2022.1 v2.08 N/A N/A Vivado tools 2022.1 v2.08
XCVM2152 N/A   Vivado tools 2024.2.1 v2.01 N/A    
XCVM2202 N/A Vivado tools 2023.2.2 v2.01 Vivado tools 2023.2.1 v2.00 Vivado tools 2024.1 v2.02 Vivado tools 2023.2.1 v2.00
XCVM2302 Vivado tools 2023.1.1 v2.01 N/A Vivado tools 2023.1.1 v2.01 N/A Vivado tools 2023.1 v2.00
XCVM2502 Vivado tools 2023.1.2 v2.01 N/A Vivado tools 2023.1.2 v2.01 N/A Vivado tools 2023.1.2 v2.01
XCVM2902 Vivado tools 2023.1.1 v2.01 N/A Vivado tools 2023.1.1 v2.01 N/A Vivado tools 2023.1 v2.00
  1. See Table 1 for the complete list of operating voltages by speed grade and mode (standard or overdrive).
  2. Blank entries indicate a device and/or speed grade in engineering sample or pre-production status.
  3. The minimum production version of the Vivado tools is 2022.1.1 v2.01 for -1L (0.70V) designs using overdrive mode. The minimum production version of the Vivado tools is 2022.1 v2.00 for -1L (0.70V) designs using standard mode.
  4. The minimum production version of the Vivado tools is 2021.2.1 for designs using XPLL deskew (CLKIN_DESKEW, CLKFB_DESKEW) while CLKIN_DESKEW is connected to CLKIN, MMCM deskew (CLKIN_DESKEW, CLKFB_DESKEW), or CPM mode for PCI Express® with CPM4 to PL interfaces enabled. The minimum production version of the Vivado tools remains at 2020.3 v2.00 for 0.70V (L) devices and 2021.1 v2.01 for 0.80V (M) devices when the designs do not use XPLL deskew, MMCM deskew, or CPM mode for PCI Express with CPM4 to PL interfaces enabled.
  5. The minimum production version of the Vivado tools is 2022.2.1 for XCVM1802 devices with -2LLI speed grade.