petalinux-build Examples - 2022.2 English - UG1144

PetaLinux Tools Documentation: Reference Guide (UG1144)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The following examples demonstrate proper usage of the petalinux-build command.

  • Clear the build area of the PetaLinux project for archiving as a BSP or for revision control. This example retains the images directory of the project.
    $ petalinux-build -x distclean
  • Clean all build collateral from the U-Boot component of the PetaLinux project.
    $ petalinux-build -c u-boot -x cleansstate
  • Clean all build collateral. It removes build/, ${TMPDIR} and images. This brings the project to its initial state.
    $ petalinux-build -x mrproper
  • Create an updated FIT image from the current contents of the deploy area.
    $ petalinux-build -x package
  • Build the entire PetaLinux project.
    $ petalinux-build
  • Build the kernel forcefully by ignoring the stamps (output of tasks from last successful build).
    $ petalinux-build -c kernel -f
  • Compile kernel forcefully by ignoring do_compile task stamp.
    $ petalinux-build -c kernel -x compile -f
  • Build the eSDK and copy it to <proj_root>/images/linux/
    petalinux-build --esdk
  • Pack all the components of petalinux-build.
    petalinux-build --archiver
  • Pack only the sysroot components.
    petalinux-build --sdk --archiver
    Note: You can find the archiver tar in <plnx-proj-root>/images/linux.