Subsystem AUTO Hardware Settings - 2022.2 English - UG1144

PetaLinux Tools Documentation: Reference Guide (UG1144)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The Subsystem AUTO Hardware settings menu allows you to customize how the Linux system interacts with the underlying hardware platform.

Figure 1. Subsystem AUTO Hardware Settings

System Processor

The System processor menu specifies the CPU processor on which the system runs.

Memory Settings

The memory settings menu allows you to:

  • Select which memory IP is the primary system memory
  • Set the system memory base address
  • Set the size of the system memory
  • Set the U-Boot text base address offset to a memory high address

The configuration in this menu impacts the memory settings in the device tree and U-Boot automatic configuration (autoconfig) files.

If manual is selected as the primary memory, you are responsible for ensuring proper memory settings for the system.

Serial Settings

The Serial Settings sub-menu allows you to select which serial device is the system’s primary STDIN/STDOUT interface. If manual is selected as the primary serial, you are responsible for ensuring proper serial interface settings for the system.

Ethernet Settings

The Ethernet Settings sub-menu allows you to:

  • Select which Ethernet is the systems’ primary Ethernet
  • Select to randomize MAC address
  • Set the MAC address of the selected primary Ethernet. By default, the address is set to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff invalid mac.

If a MAC address is programmed into the EEPROM and you want to use EEPROM mac

then due to the above invalid MAC address, it will read from the EEPROM if there is no ENV MAC from u-boot.

If no MAC address is configured in the EEPROM, then the U-Boot generates a random MAC address if mac address is not defined from the u-boot environment.

The order in which the U-Boot picks the MAC address is as follows. Refer to the U-Boot documentation for commands to program EEPROM and to configure for the same.

  • The MAC address from the u-boot environment has the highest priority.
  • The MAC address from the device tree has the next highest priority. Anything configured in the petalinux-config > Subsystem > Auto Hardware Settings > Ethernet Settings > MAC address goes to the device tree.
  • If there is no MAC address in the device tree or invalid mac address(ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff), then it will check in EEPROM.
  • If there is no MAC address in the EEPROM,then it will generate a random MAC address.
  • Set whether to use DHCP or static IP on the primary Ethernet

If manual is selected as the primary Ethernet, you are responsible for ensuring proper Ethernet settings for the system.

Flash Settings

The Flash Settings sub-menu allows you to:

  • Select a primary flash for the system
  • Set the flash partition table

If manual is selected as the primary flash, you are responsible for the flash settings for the system.

SD/SDIO Settings

The SD/SDIO Settings sub-menu is for Zynq-7000 devices and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC only. It allows you to select which SD controller is the system’s primary SD card interface.

If manual is selected as the primary flash, you are responsible for the flash settings for the system.

Timer Settings

The Timer Settings sub-menu is for MicroBlaze processors and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC. It allows you to select which timer is the primary timer.

Important: A primary timer is required for a MicroBlaze system.

Reset GPIO Settings

The Reset GPIO Settings sub-menu is for MicroBlaze processors only. It allows you to select which GPIO is the system reset GPIO.

Tip: MicroBlaze systems use GPIO as a reset input. If a reset GPIO is selected, you can reboot the system from Linux.

RTC Settings

Select an RTC instance that is used as a primary timer for the Linux kernel. If your preferred RTC is not on the list, select manual to enable the proper kernel driver for your RTC.

Table 1. Flash Partition Table
Bootable Image/U-Boot Environment Partition Default Partition Name Description
Boot Image boot BOOT.BIN for Zynq-7000 devices, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, and Versal ACAP.

Relocatable U-Boot BIN file (u-boot-s.bin) for MicroBlaze processors.

U-Boot Environment Partition bootenv U-Boot environment variable partition. When primary sd is selected, U-Boot environment is stored in the first partition. When primary flash is selected, U-Boot environment is stored in the partition mentioned in flash partition name option.
Kernel Image kernel Kernel image image.ub (FIT format)
DTB Image dtb If Advanced bootable images storage Settings is disabled and a DTB partition is found in the flash partition table settings, PetaLinux configures U-Boot to load the DTB from the partition table. Else, it assumes a DTB is contained in the kernel image.