petalinux-create Command Line Options - 2022.2 English - UG1144

PetaLinux Tools Documentation: Reference Guide (UG1144)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.2 English

The following table details the command line options that are common to all petalinux-create workflows.

Table 1. petalinux-create Command Line Options
Option Functional Description Value Range Default Value
-t,--type TYPE Specify the TYPE of object to create. This is required.
  • project
  • apps
  • modules
-n,--name NAME Create object with the specified NAME. This is optional when creating a project from a BSP source. Otherwise, this is required. User-specified When creating a project from a BSP source, the project takes the name of the source BSP.
-p,--project PROJECT PetaLinux project directory path for component creation in a project. This is optional. User-specified Current Directory
--force Overwrite existing files on disk. This is optional. None None
-h,--help Display usage information. This is optional. None None
--tmpdir Specify the local drive path as TMPDIR location when creating the project.

Default TMPDIR cannot be under NFS. By default, PetaLinux sets the TMPDIR under /tmp when project is on NFS.

You can set your own local drive as TMPDIR PATH using the --tmpdir option

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