There are several pre-built presets provided to show different "views" of the block design canvas.
Figure 1. Presets to Control Viewing Objects on Block Design Canvas
These preset options are explained below.
- Default View
- The Default View is a preset with some pre-selected options from the Layers, Colors, and General tab.
- Interface View
- Selecting this view shows only the interface level connectivity on the block
design canvas. None of the other nets are shown when this view is selected. If
only IP with no interfaces are present on the block design, all these IP
"disappear" from the block design canvas when this option is selected.Figure 2. Interface View
- Reduced Jogs
- This option reduces the "jogs" present in the block design nets connected to
various endpoints. For example, see the following figure shows the effect of
selecting this option.Figure 3. Reduced Jogs View
As you can see, the pins A, B, and CLK have been moved to keep the nets straight.
- No Loops
- This option readjusts the location of the pins of a cell to reduce loopback
present in net connectivity between endpoints. Typically, the inputs (or Slave
interfaces) are located on the left side of a cell instance symbol or block.
Likewise, the outputs (or Master Interfaces) are shown on the right side of the
symbol. Selecting this option, allows for relocating the input/output (or
Master/Slave) pins to reduce loopbacks in the design as shown below.Figure 4. No Loops View
- Grouping and No Loops
- This preset is a combination of creating groups of pins and reducing loops.
- Color Coded
- This view color codes different nets such as nets connecting clocks. resets,
interfaces, etc. with different colors as shown below. Figure 5. Color Coded View
- Addressing View
- Selecting this view shows only the addressing connectivity on the block design canvas, thus providing a simplified view to the user. None of the other nets are shown when this view is selected. If any IP do not belong in the address path, all these IP "disappear" from the block design canvas when this option is selected.
- Save As New View
- New or custom views are created by selecting several options based on
personal preferences. Once the options are chosen from the Layers, Colors, and
General tab in the Settings dialog box, that view can be saved as a custom view.
Select this option to open up the Save View As dialog box where the view can be
given a custom name.Figure 6. Save View As
Once the view is saved, it becomes persistent in your Vivado® IDE settings, and subsequently will be available for all projects open in Vivado IDE.
Figure 7. Saved View - Remove View
- A custom view created as shown above can be removed by selecting the Remove View option. Preset views cannot be removed using this option.
- Reset View
- To reset a view to the default settings provided by Vivado, select the Reset View option.