Using Third-Party Synthesis Tools in IP Integrator - 2021.1 English - UG994

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

Sometimes it is necessary to use a third-party synthesis tool as a part of the design flow. In this case, you need to incorporate the IP integrator block design as a black box in the top-level design. You can synthesize the top-level of the design in a third-party synthesis tool, write out an HDL or EDIF netlist, and implement the post-synthesis project in the Vivado® environment.

This chapter describes the steps that are required to synthesize the black-box of a block design in a third-party synthesis tool. Although the flow is applicable to any third-party synthesis tool, this chapter describes the Synplify® Pro synthesis tool.