Adding an ELF File - 2021.1 English - UG994

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English

If the block design has an executable and linkable format (ELF) file associated with it, then you will need to add the ELF file to the Vivado project, and associate it with the embedded processor in the block design. See Adding and Associating an ELF File to an Embedded Design for more information on adding the ELF file to the design.

Important: The ELF file must be associated with the netlist project using the SCOPED_TO_REF and SCOPED_TO_CELL properties, and not through the Associate ELF Files command.

The added ELF file can be seen in the Sources window, as shown above. After the ELF file is added to the project, you must associate the ELF file with the embedded processor design object by setting the SCOPED_TO_REF and SCOPED_TO_CELLS properties.

  1. Select the ELF file in the Sources window.
  2. In the Source File Properties window, click in the text field of the SCOPED_TO_CELLS and SCOPED_TO_REF properties to edit them.
  3. Set the SCOPED_TO_REF property to the name of the block design.
  4. Set the SCOPED_TO_CELLS property to the instance name of the embedded processor cell in the block design,

In the following figure, for example, SCOPED_TO_REF is base_microblaze_design, and SCOPED_TO_CELLS is microblaze_0.

You can also set these properties using the following Tcl commands:

set_property SCOPED_TO_REF <block_design_name> [get_files \ <file_path>/file_name.elf]
set_property SCOPED_TO_CELLS { <processor_instance> } [get_files \ <file_path>/file_name.elf]