Masters - 2020.2 English - UG994

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English
The Masters section on the left of the Slaves shows the masters grouped by BD cells. Each BD cell has a set of master interfaces, represented by vertical columns in the cell.
Figure 1. Masters in Address Map View

The above figure shows one cell named ps_cips with 8 master interfaces all shown as vertical columns.

Each master interface may have multiple assignments, or Master Segments, shown as smaller blue boxes inside the master interface. These line up horizontally with the slave column. These graphically show where the slaves are mapped into the address space of each master. They are the same color as the slaves in the slave section to indicate that they represent the slave as seen by the master.

When user hovers the mouse over a slave in the slave column or a master segment, then the slave and all associated master segments are shown in a lighter color to indicate they all represent the slave.

When two adjacent master interfaces have the exact same set of assignments then they are drawn close together, as shown above with the first two FPD_AXI_NOC interfaces, and the next set of four FPD_CCI_NOC interfaces. When there is a difference in the assignment, then a larger gap is shown between master interfaces.

If you hover over a Master Segment (the smaller boxes, which represent where a slave is mapped into a master) a tool tip is shown with information about the assignment.

You can click on a Master, Master Interface, Master Segment, or Slave to select it in both the Address Map and Diagram View. When you click on a Master Segment then the entire address path is selected in the diagram, and the corresponding row in the Address Editor is selected.

Different masters may have different assignments for the same slave. In the following image, the first and third masters see only part of the slave, and the second master sees the entire region. If an address assignment is excluded (third master below), it is shown as gray and the tool tip indicates an “Excluded Segment”.
Figure 2. Excluded Segment