The Platform Setup window automatically populates and lists all the interfaces that can be enabled for use by hardware platforms within the Vitis environment. The window is split into three major sections as shown below:
The settings section on the left allows user to select different types of the interface in the platform block design along with the platform name and information. Interface types include AXI Port, AXI Stream Port, Clock, Interrupt, and Memory. If there are no matching interfaces, it is shown in the list as disabled or greyed out.
A configuration area on the right shows a table view for managing platform specific properties of each type of interfaces in the block design. The tables show the block containing the matching interface type with a list of interfaces under it. If an interface appears in this list, it should be legal to export. The tables presents a column to enable/disable each interface as a platform interface. User can toggle all of the interfaces as enabled or disabled or partially select a mix of enabled or disabled interfaces. User can expand, collapse, or only show enabled interfaces within the table.
As the user configures an interface, it automatically gets validated by the tool. The result of the validation for each interface is then shown as a check mark or error icon next to it in the settings section along with provided additional information below the configuration area. If the platform interfaces are ready for export, there will be no errors messages.
An Export Platform… button also exists on the Platform Setup window that launches the wizard for exporting hardware platforms. If the block design has any unsaved changes or is not generated, it will prompt the user to do these before starting the export wizard. The export button is disabled if there is any validation error.