Port Name | I/O | Description |
ctl_rx_ptp_systemtimer[54:0], ctl_tx_ptp_systemtimer[54:0] |
I | System timer input in units of 2-8
nanoseconds (unsigned). This field maps to Bits[62:8] of the correction field format
in IEEE 1588-2008 (with the bottom 8 bits set to 0). These inputs are captured on the rx_ts_clk/tx_ts_clk clock domain. It should be stable for several clock period (~10 ns) after the ctl_rx/tx_ptp_st_sync transition. |
ctl_rx_ptp_st_sync, ctl_tx_ptp_st_sync |
I | Transition indicates point at which ctl_rx/tx_ptp_systemtimer is valid. A DDR phase detector is used on this signal for additional phase compensation. Transitions need to be a minimum of 10 clock cycles apart. |
ctl_rx_ptp_st_overwrite, ctl_tx_ptp_st_overwrite |
I | When asserted, the PTP Timer is overwritten with the ctl_rx/tx_ptp_systemtimer value if the difference is greater than the threshold amount. The overwrite occurs at the next transition of ctl_rx/tx_ptp_st_sync. |
ctl_rx_ptp_st_adjust[31:0], ctl_tx_ptp_st_adjust[31:0] |
I | When a bit of ctl_st_adjust_vld (defined below) is asserted,
the system timer has the correction in ctl_ptp_st_adjust applied. Note: The correction factor should be in 2's complement form. The
correction is applied immediately. The unit of the value on this signal is
determined by the adjustment type defined below.
ctl_rx_ptp_st_adjust_type[1:0], ctl_tx_ptp_st_adjust_type[1:0] |
I | Specifies the desired adjustment using the value in
CAUTION: No overflow protection is
ctl_rx_ptp_st_adjust_vld, ctl_tx_ptp_st_adjust_vld |
I | Transition of this signal triggers adjustment type defined in ctl_rx/tx_ptp_st_adjust_type with a value in ctl_rx/tx_ptp_st_adjust. |
stat_rx_ptp_st_sync, stat_tx_ptp_st_sync |
O | Reflects ctl_rx/tx_ptp_st_sync after it has been re-sampled to the RX/TX clock domain. |
stat_rx_ptp_systemtimer[54:0], stat_tx_ptp_systemtimer[54:0] |
O | PTP Timer output in units of 2-8
ns. Note: Due to retiming, this value should be captured at least four
ts_clk cycles after the stat_rx/tx_ptp_st_sync edge. Also, Bit[54] is dropped and
replaced with a capture edge indicator. You can use this information to adjust the
system timer value by an additional half rx_serdes_clk/tx_core_clock
stat_rx_ptp_st_in_range, stat_tx_ptp_st_in_range |
O | Reserved, leave disconnected. |